An auditor's report is an opinion on the reliability of the financial statements of an enterprise or other economic entity, drawn up by an audit firm or an independent auditor.

Step 1
The auditor's report is drawn up based on the results of the audit of the enterprise. The audit is subject to financial statements, which means the entire set of forms of financial statements established in accordance with the legislation for a given economic entity. Financial statements should be checked on a specific date or for any period of the organization's activity.
Step 2
If the auditor's report is drawn up in relation to the reporting of a legal entity, then it must include the results of an audit of all branches, divisions. The conclusion on the reliability of the consolidated financial statements should be drawn up by the auditor by special agreement with these entities.
Step 3
All material circumstances should be taken into account in drawing up the auditor's report, i.e. those that may affect the reliability of the enterprise's reporting. The use of this principle means that the report contains all the material points that were discovered during the audit, which means that no other material circumstances were found.
Step 4
If, in the course of the audit, the company made the necessary amendments to the statements, i.e. before providing it to interested users, the auditor's report should contain references to them.
Step 5
The auditor's report, in accordance with Russian legislation, must be drawn up in Russian, signed by authorized representatives of the audit organization, and certified by a seal.
Step 6
The auditor's report should have 3 parts: introductory, analytical and final. The introductory part is general information about the audit firm: legal address, data on the license for the right to conduct audit activities, information on the specialists who carried out the audit.
Step 7
The analytical part is a direct report on the results of the audit of the accounting and reporting of the enterprise, as well as its compliance with legislation in this area.
Step 8
The final part should contain the auditor's opinion on the reliability of the statements, as well as the circumstances that led to such an opinion.