Stages Of The Ability To Save Money

Stages Of The Ability To Save Money
Stages Of The Ability To Save Money

Many people dream of learning how to save their budget. At the same time, it seems to many that they do not succeed at all. Let's take a deeper look at this problem and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Stages of the ability to save money
Stages of the ability to save money

Each person is at a different stage in acquiring the skill of saving their budget. Let's look at the stages of financial literacy with a non-standard interpretation.

1. "I'm a squander and I don't want to save anything."

At this stage, the person behaves like the protagonist of the dragonfly and the ant fable. Now summer is red, and that's why he sings. But we must also prepare for winter! Unfortunately, this does not concern him.

2. "I waste money and want to save money."

At this stage, a person suddenly realizes the negative consequences of his inability to spend. He still spends money, but he cannot do anything with himself.

3. "Belt tightening."

At this stage, a person decides to save in full and deny himself everything. It is immediately clear that there is no skill, otherwise he would have spent, but less. But since he does not know how to reach the golden mean, this leads to such excesses, on the contrary. Naturally, a person cannot withstand such a load, and therefore quickly breaks down.

4. "Disappointment."

At this stage, a person realizes that he does not know how to tighten his belts, and that he has no idea how to continue to live in general. To squander is not an option, but he doesn't know how to do it in another way.

5. "Jumping dragonfly miraculously survived the winter, then she decided to sleep, and in the summer she went to jump again."

Yes, that is the name of this stage. The person considers himself hopeless and returns to the first stage. Some remain here and put up with their bitter lot. Part goes to the next stage.

6. "Gathering information and a gradual transition to financial literacy."

A person decides to learn at all costs and makes millions of mistakes.

7. "Skill."

Everything, a person can do it. He is pleased with himself that he managed to save a certain amount.

8. "Collapse."

The person relaxes, and due to the instability of the skill, he can roll back to the fifth stage. Here he can also stay on it.

9. "Getting up from your knees."

The person does not give up and continues to ascend again using the same methods that he once ascended to the pedestal.

Well, the apogee of all this is habit. This is what characterizes any skill. In general, it is not limited to one habit, tk. it is always a combination of them. To be able to manage money, you need to develop the following habits in yourself: the ability to save (just make it a habit to buy what follows your financial plan), the ability to restrain yourself (just do not tell yourself “I don’t drink coffee, say, I’ll probably save money), the ability procrastination, investing skill, and working skill.
