Why Customers Leave

Why Customers Leave
Why Customers Leave

It's sad to watch yesterday's customers walk past a store or office, not even wanting to drop in. If you do not analyze the reasons for what is happening, the business will receive less profit, or even go to the bottom.

Why customers leave
Why customers leave

1. No customer base A good customer base is the foundation of a successful business. A company that collects customer contacts gains an advantage in the market because it periodically reminds customers of itself. Competitor Actions Other firms may offer the same product but improve the selling process. To do this, they introduce the ability to order goods by phone, via the Internet; with delivery to your home or office, etc. 3. Aging of a product The life cycle of a product consists of four stages: market entry, growth, maturity, and decline. When the product passes the last stage, the activity of buyers decreases sharply, regardless of the actions of competitors. Poor Store Location For shoppers who value time, location is critical. Gradually, such customers find other opportunities to purchase the desired product. 5. Sellers Rudeness Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to be unable to communicate with customers. Customers feel humiliated and do not want to come back to the store 6. Insufficient qualifications of sellers The buyer is not obliged to know everything about the product, how to connect it, etc. If sellers cannot be good consultants, the next purchase will happen elsewhere. 7. There are no necessary payment methods In order not to withdraw money from a plastic card, customers prefer not to go to stores where they can pay only in cash. Large selection of substitute goodsSubstitute goods attract the attention of buyers with low prices and new qualities. Car substitutes - motorcycles, bicycles, taxi services. 9. Other reasons The market is changing rapidly, new technologies for production and promotion of products appear, and with them - new reasons for leaving customers. To clarify the situation, a survey of former customers, whose contacts have been preserved in the customer base, will help. In order not to lose customers, it is necessary to actively maintain feedback in order to respond in time to changes in needs, tastes and moods.
