Inspectorate Of The Federal Tax Service Of Russia No. 36 For Moscow

Inspectorate Of The Federal Tax Service Of Russia No. 36 For Moscow
Inspectorate Of The Federal Tax Service Of Russia No. 36 For Moscow
Location of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 36 in Moscow
Location of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 36 in Moscow

Contacts IFTS 36 for Moscow

Single telephone number of the Federal Tax Service. Works throughout Russia. Free.


Reception of the chief of inspection No. 36:

+7 (495) 400-00-36;

+7 (495) 400-30-52

Hot line telephone for individuals and individual entrepreneurs:

+7 (495) 400-30-63

Hot line phone for legal entities:

+7 (495) 400-30-98


+7 (495) 400-30-67


Get to the metro station "University". Exit in the center of the hall (towards A. Dzhigarkhanyan's theater). Then walk along Lomonosov Avenue. Distance - less than 1 kilometer. Walking time is 11 minutes. You can take two stops by any land transport going towards Leninsky Prospekt.

ifns 36 Moscow official website

Opening hours

Operating hours

IFNS hall 36 Moscow, Leninisky prospect, 70/11

Monday 9.00-18.00 without a break

Tuesday 9.00-20.00 without a break

Wednesday 9.00-18.00 without a break

Thursday 9.00-20.00 without a break

Friday 9.00-16.45 without a break

Attention! The operating room is open in the evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Until 20:00.

Working hours of the inspection units

Monday 9.00-18.00 Break 13.00-13.45

Tuesday 9.00-18.00 Break 13.00-13.45

Wednesday 9.00-18.00 Break 13.00-13.45

Thursday 9.00-18.00 Break 13.00-13.45

Friday 9.00-16.45 Break 13.00-13.45

Attention! On the second and fourth Saturday of the calendar month, the inspection works. Opens at 10-00, closes at 15-00.

Payment details of the inspection

IFTS code 36 - 7736

Name - Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 36 for Moscow

INN -7736119488

Checkpoint - 773601001

Address - 119311, Moscow, Lomonosovskiy pr-kt, building 23.

Office of the Federal Treasury for Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 36 for Moscow)

The name of the bank - GU Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District

Account number - 40101810045250010041

BIK bank - 044525000

Inspection manual

Head of Inspection Donskikh Mikhail Nikolaevich

Days and time of reception of the head of the inspection

Monday 09-00 - 13-00;

Thursday 13-45 - 18-00

Deputy Head of Inspection Nikulina Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna

Days and times of reception

Tuesday 09-00 -13-00, Friday 13-45 - 18-00

Deputy Head of Inspection (Head of the Informatization Department) Yudanov Ignat Mikhailovich

Days and times of reception

Tuesday 09-00 - 13-00, Thursday 13-45 - 18-00

And about. Deputy Head of Inspection

Dorosh Maria Alexandrovna

An appointment with the heads of the inspection is made by phone +7 (495) -400-00-36, +7 (495) -400-30-64 (63). Please, be sure to specify the place of reception when registering.


Parent organization

Federal Tax Service of Russia in Moscow - Office

Phones of the Office of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow:

Secretary: +7 (495) 400-67-90

Contact Center: +7 (495) 276-22-22

For information: +7 (495) 400-67-68 - mailings and tax notifications

Helpline: +7 (495) 400-63-67

Fax: +7 (495) 400-67-89

Head of the Moscow Department of the Federal Tax Service: Tretyakova Marina Viktorovna

Legal address of the Office of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow:

125284, Moscow, Horoshevskoe highway, 12, bldg. BUT

The actual address of the Office of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow:

125284, Moscow, Horoshevskoe highway, 12, bldg. BUT

Working hours:

From Monday to Friday - from 9-00 to 18-.00 without a lunch break.

Saturday and Sunday are days off.
