2013 was the last year when Russian citizens could, at their discretion, choose an NPF in order to invest there the funded part of their pensions. Agents walked around the apartments almost every week, vying with each other to praise the NPFs for which they work, and inciting residents to conclude an agreement with their foundation. In such a rush, it is difficult to choose the right NPF.

Step 1
If you want to change a non-state pension fund in 2014, you can conclude an agreement with another fund, easily choosing it from many others. There are two indicators of NPFs that you should pay attention to. This is profitability and reliability.
Step 2
As for profitability, the annual growth of depositors' savings depends on it. The profitability of NPFs is usually announced either at the end of the first quarter or at the beginning of the second, after which the accrued income goes to client accounts. The higher the fund's profitability, the faster the accumulative part of the depositor's pension grows. When evaluating the profitability of NPFs, look first of all at its average for all the years of operation. If a particular fund does not display its rate of return, this should alert you. Better to choose another NPF.
Step 3
The second indicator of the quality of the NPF's work is reliability. Reliability ratings of non-state pension funds are assigned by various rating agencies, the most authoritative of which is Expert Ra, which analyzes more than 25 indicators of funds on a quarterly and annually basis.
Step 4
The rating scale has five classes, the highest of which is A. Class A, in turn, is divided into:
High - class A;
Very high - class A +;
Exceptionally high - class A ++.
Step 5
Using these ratings, you can easily determine the reliability and profitability of any non-state pension fund and choose the most suitable option.