In our country, for people of retirement age, the minimum level of monthly old-age pension provision is set, which is 8726 rubles. This amount will be guaranteed to be paid to all people on a well-deserved rest. Such financial support of pensioners on the part of the state is provided by the mechanism of additional payments through the SZN bodies, when the pension payment assigned by the PFR turns out to be less than the specified limit. Thus, in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation (sometimes within a constituent entity), the lower levels of pension provision can be increased due to funding from the budgets of the constituent entities themselves. It is no secret that the minimum pension in Moscow is considered the highest, including in 2019.

For residents of the capital of retirement age, it is important to know that the guaranteed minimum pension directly depends on the fact and length of residence in Moscow. For 2019, such the smallest payment will be 11,816 rubles. And for the category of pensioners who have been living in the city and in the territories annexed to it for more than ten years, this minimum will already be 17,500 rubles. Moreover, according to the Decree of the Moscow Governments No. 1268-PP, the period of residence in Moscow includes time intervals, both by permanent registration and by temporary.
How to apply for a pension supplement in Moscow
A resident of the capital for registration of a payment, which is carried out as an additional payment to a pension, must contact a social protection institution, where the following package of documents is submitted:

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- documents confirming the fact of residence in Moscow (registration mark, extract from the house book, certificate of residence, etc.);
- a certificate from the Pension Fund, which contains information about the type, duration and amount of the pension;
- confirmation of the status of a pensioner (working or not working) according to the work book, employment contract, the state of the personal account based on information from the Pension Fund of Russia or other documents;
- for recipients of a survivor's pension, a death certificate must be provided.
It is important to know that the procedure for registering the right to a supplement to pension involves submitting an application within six months. In this case, this additional payment will take into account the entire period of time from the beginning of the onset of the right to a new pensioner status. Otherwise (delayed application submission), this benefit will be accrued only from the month following the date of application submission.
Minimum pension for working pensioners
Despite the fact that for the employed category of metropolitan pensioners, the minimum level of pension provision has not been established due to the fact that additional income implies a guaranteed excess of the total income of this limit, there is a certain list of some specialties that still fall under this benefit.

Since 2010, the Moscow Government has retained the right to compensation payments for the capital's pensioners who are engaged in labor activities. These include the following categories of citizens:
- disabled people of 1-2 groups, disabled children;
- disabled people and participants of the Second World War;
- disabled persons of the 3rd group with a labor restriction of the 1st group under the age of 23 years in the case when their labor activity is combined with full-time education;
- young people under 18 years old in case of loss of a breadwinner or under the age of 23 years when they combine work with full-time education;
- employees of the health care system, education, culture, sports, social protection bodies and libraries (only state ones);
- porters on duty, doormen, concierges;
- wipers and cleaners in the housing and communal services system;
- the economic personnel of the registry office institutions.
For the registration of compensation payments by the privileged category of citizens in the social protection authorities, it will additionally be necessary to submit the relevant documents confirming this status (certificates from the place, study, work, etc.). Such preferential payments are provided exclusively for persons with permanent registration in Moscow.
Additional benefits for Moscow pensioners
Since there are categories of the capital's beneficiaries who receive compensation payments from the city budget, the situation with the size of the average pension in Moscow in relation to other regions of the country is as follows. The average pension in the capital is 15,043 rubles, while in the rest of the country this figure is 14,329 rubles.

It should be borne in mind that the capital's budget makes compensation payments to the following categories of pensioners:
- victims of repression - 2,000 rubles / month;
- for home front workers - 1,500 rubles / month;
- for veterans of military service and labor - 1000 rubles / month;
- mothers of many children of retirement age (ten or more children) - 20,000 rubles / month.
These fixed additional payments are made regardless of the amount of income.
In addition to monetary compensation for the capital's pensioners, an in-kind form of support is also provided, expressed in the following list of benefits and subsidies, which is due to the fact of the high cost of living in one of the largest megacities in the world:
- free travel by public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region, including the metro, ground transport and commuter trains;
- exemption from taxes on property (regardless of the number of objects), land and one unit of a vehicle;
- exemption or compensation from payment of utilities, which without fail include heating, electricity, gas, garbage disposal, water, landline telephone and overhaul;
- medical benefits, which include free vouchers to sanatoriums (as indicated by the attending physician) and free travel to the place of treatment, dental prosthetics (under a special social protection program), free prescriptions and medical care at home.
In addition to persons with a pension status, the Moscow authorities also provide social support for the least protected categories of residents of the capital, which include the following persons:
- Single mothers with children under three years old - 15,000 rubles / month;
- families with an average income for each of its members, which does not exceed the subsistence level, and with children under the age of 3 years - 10,000 rubles / month, and at the age of 3-18 years - 4,000 rubles / month;
- large families with 3-4 children - 1200 rubles / month, and where there are more than 5 children - 1500 rubles / month;
- single mothers with a child aged 3-18 years - 6000 rubles / month.
It is important to know that there is no maximum pension in Moscow for 2019. For example, Yuri Luzhkov's pension is set at 2.5 million rubles.
Increase in the minimum pension in Moscow in 2019
Since the lower limit of pension provision in the capital depends on the indicators of the subsistence minimum, specific data will be published only after the adoption of the budget for 2019. However, today it is already possible to be guided by the statement of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which announced the subsistence minimum index, which amounted to 2.4%. Based on this indicator, it can be argued that the minimum pension for Moscow residents living in it for less than 10 years will be 12,100 rubles / month, and for those capital pensioners who have been living here for more than 10 years, this minimum will be 17,920 rubles / month. month

According to unofficial information from insider sources, it became known that compensation payments will apply to women from the age of 55, and men - from 60 years. Moreover, this will be carried out regardless of the onset of retirement status. There were no official statements by the head of Moscow on this matter, as they would be regarded as incorrect due to the fact that the laws on pension reform have not yet entered into force.
It is quite obvious that the higher level of pension provision for pensioners in the capital in comparison with similar indicators in other regions of the country is due to the fact that Moscow is one of the most expensive megacities in the world. In 2018, pension benefits reached 5560 rubles / month. Today it is already reliably known that the Moscow Government has a clear intention to continue working in this direction through the implementation of new social programs.