Where To Pay The Fine

Where To Pay The Fine
Where To Pay The Fine

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Situations on the road leading to traffic violations are not uncommon, and therefore many motorists, especially those who have recently been driving, are concerned about where to pay a fine for traffic violations.

Where to pay the fine
Where to pay the fine


Step 1

The amount of the fine for violation of traffic rules is regulated by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations (abbreviated - Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The violator is given 10 days to appeal the fine (according to Article 30.3 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), then another 30 days (according to Article 32.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation) after the decision on the offense enters into force. If during this time the fine is not paid, the case will take a serious turn - it will be handed over to bailiffs. In this case, there is a high probability that the amount of the fine on the receipt will double.

Step 2

Having received a decision on the offense from the traffic police inspector, you should pay a fine without postponing the matter indefinitely. According to paragraph 3 of Article 32.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation, you can pay a fine according to the details of the district traffic police department by transferring the specified amount to a bank or other credit organization. Also, money can be transferred to a paying agent who operates in accordance with the law “On banks and banking activities of the Russian Federation”.

Step 3

You can pay the amount indicated in the receipt, for example, at Sberbank of Russia. This is one of the largest and most reliable banks operating in our country for more than one and a half hundred years. Cash desks of the Savings Bank of Russia are located in all cities and towns of the country.

Step 4

You can also pay fines for traffic violations with the help of mobile operators. They provide appropriate services for paying traffic fines through a mobile phone.

Step 5

Remember, however, that there is a commission for accepting payments and entering them into the traffic police database, the percentage of which may vary depending on the organization you apply to. Therefore, choose the most convenient option for yourself, taking into account the distance from your place of work / residence and the size of the commission, and pay the fine on time.
