Second-hand trading attracts newcomers. They believe that it is enough to rent a room, register a business, buy a few bags of goods - and you can start your own business. To some extent, this opinion is true, but like any other business, second-hand trade has many pitfalls.

Benefits of second-hand trading
Second-hand wholesale lots are sold cheaply. Intermediary sellers meet their customers halfway and allow them to investigate the product before buying it. As a rule, they adhere to the following rule: "open two bags - buy one of them." This rule applies to sorted goods, as for the "original", its quality cannot be checked on the spot. The minimum consignment of goods is from one bag.
The arrangement of a second-hand store does not require large investments. Going to such a store, the buyer does not initially expect to see there an abundance of mirrored display cases and luxurious counters. The design can be kept in a restrained, economical style: several fitting rooms with mirrors, neat counters, racks with clothes. The store should be light, clean and spacious. Since second-hand goods are treated with antiseptic substances, there is always a specific smell in the room, so the store owner must take care of good ventilation.
Business Disadvantages
When buying an "original", the procedure for checking the quality of the goods is not provided. This means that you run the risk of buying a bunch of rags at a reasonable price. Of course, the seller will assure you that this particular "original" has just arrived from the sleeping area of England, but you can only find out what is in the bag in reality after you buy the product. As for sorted second-hand goods, it is quite expensive, therefore it is used by experienced sellers only to supplement the existing assortment. Conclusion: you need to take the original in small batches, in no case be tempted by offers to “take more”.
Second-hand trade has its own specifics. If inventory leftovers are the scourge of any store, in the case of a second-hand store, leftovers are a scourge in the square. If you do not establish a flexible system of discounts for the sale of inventory leftovers, after a while you will simply suffocate from the abundance of unnecessary things. Research your customers and offer them what they want.
Secret three "M"
Some people come only on the days of delivery for the best goods, some come on the day of the lowest prices for work clothes and children's things, but most run into a second-hand store on the way. As experienced sellers say, the secret of a second-hand store's success depends on three Ms: location, location, and again location. A poorly chosen place can cost you your business, so it is better to take your time and find what you need: a place near transport stops, on a walk-through street, at some distance from the center.