According to the Federal Bailiff Service, the debts of our compatriots are only growing.

General figures
The Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) provides disappointing statistics: the debt of Russian citizens to banks has once again increased and in the first half of this year amounted to about 2 trillion rubles. During this period, more than 5 million enforcement proceedings were opened, which, according to TASS, is almost 1 million more enforcement proceedings than in the same period of the previous year.
In order to assess the scale of this debt, it is worth noting that the total amount of debts transferred to the FSSP is commensurate with the budget of the city of Moscow. In January-June 2018, bailiffs, using various methods of debt collection, including forced debt collection from wages, scholarships, pensions, carried out about 370 thousand debt collection procedures. The share of debts on these enforcement proceedings is about 40% of all debts of citizens. According to the FSSP, the debt of citizens to banks is about 25% of the total amount of debts collected by service employees from both individuals and legal entities.
In 2017, the bailiffs had to write off about 2.2 trillion rubles of debts from residents of our country, which is 300 million rubles more than in 2016. Experts attribute these numbers to an increase in lending and a drop in real income in 2017.
Visited debtors
The presence of debt in a person may threaten him with another surprise - a ban on leaving the Russian Federation. In 2018, there are about 2.7 million such debtors, and the number of their debts is measured in the amount of 1.4 trillion rubles. Over the same period of 2017, there were about 1.5 times less debtors, and their total debt was about 900 billion rubles.
The increase in the number of "restricted to travel" citizens is associated with an increase in the number of executive documents submitted to the FSSP: in the first half of 2018, there were 12% more of them than in the same period of 2017. It is worth noting that every citizen can check whether he has a debt on the official website of the FSSP.
Possible reasons
According to a number of experts, most of the credit debt is the result of loans issued in 2014-2015. During this period, lending was carried out at a very high interest rate, which in turn led to a peak in total debt to banks in 2015-2016. In addition, a drop in household incomes, as well as an increase in the number of loans taken from various microfinance organizations, played a role in increasing the debt of citizens to banks.