The reporting document for payers of personal income tax is a declaration of the 3NDFL form. It should not be submitted by those who receive income through tax agents (under labor and civil contracts) and who have sold property that has been owned for more than 3 years. In other cases, the declaration must be submitted no later than April 30 of the following year.

It is necessary
- - the program "Declaration" (current version for 2011 - "Declaration 2010");
- - documents confirming income for the last year and payment of taxes from it: 2NDFL certificates from tax agents, agreements with individuals and foreigners, bank certificates on the receipt of funds to the account, receipts or payment orders for self-payment of tax, etc. as appropriate.
Step 1
The Declaration program will help you to fill out the declaration without errors and difficulties, the latest version of which can be downloaded from the website of the Main Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. If it is already on your computer, still go to the center site for updates. Reinstall or update the program if necessary.
Step 2
It is not difficult to understand the interface of the program. You just have to select the current tabs and fill in the required fields. All the necessary information is available in the documents confirming your income and payment of tax from it. You must reflect all of your personal income tax for the year, and not just the one that became the reason for filing the declaration.
Sections that are irrelevant to you (for example, about income from abroad, if you did not receive them, or tax deductions you are not entitled to) simply do not fill out.
Step 3
Save the finished declaration to your computer. You can submit it via the Internet using the public services portal (but first check with your tax office if it has the technical ability to do this), take it personally (print it in two copies, sign both and ask the second one to make a mark of acceptance) or send by mail in a valuable letter with a list of attachments and return receipt.
If the declaration is submitted via the Internet, you still have to go to the inspection to sign the paper version of the document.