How To Get The Money Back Written Off

How To Get The Money Back Written Off
How To Get The Money Back Written Off

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An unpleasant surprise will be zero balance on your mobile. Where did the money go - it was written off, but for what it is not known. Mobile operators are connecting many test services that are hard to remember, and the free period ends quickly. You can return the money.

How to get the money back written off
How to get the money back written off


Step 1

Determine the reason for the debiting. It is necessary to request details of calls for the period in which the funds were debited, in order to clearly understand when and for what the money was debited. This can be done: in the salon of your mobile operator, having appeared there in person; by calling the call-center of the mobile operator; independently through your personal account.

Step 2

Submit a claim for a refund. To get started, call the contact center of the mobile operator. Usually, it is enough to leave a complaint for consideration - within a certain time, a message will come about the resolution of the issue, or the debited amount will be returned to the account.

Step 3

If the case is not resolved at the stage of oral complaint, file the complaint in writing. It is advisable to study the law on the protection of consumer rights and court practice in such cases. In the claim, refer to the articles, and it is also advisable to print out and attach to the claim one of the court decisions that was made in favor of the applicant. In the text of the complaint, you should indicate that you consider this complaint as an attempt at out-of-court settlement. Simultaneously with filing a complaint to the operator, post a review and complaint on the sites (Pravorub or Pravogolos). The professionals considering your complaint will see that you are a legally savvy person and do not intend to give up, most likely, the decision will be made in your favor. If that doesn't work, keep doing it.

Step 4

Next, submit an application to the prosecutor's office and the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, warn the operator about your intention. The application can be submitted electronically to the appropriate internet reception. The address can be found on the Internet. As a rule, money is returned at the stage of an oral or written complaint; it rarely comes to the prosecutor's office. In exceptional cases, the operator can persist, then go boldly to court.
