At the time when you want to create something, the moment comes when everything is ready and the most important thing is to interest others in what you were able to do. So how do you come up with a brand that interests others?

Step 1
Think about how you would associate the product that is in stock in the buyer's place. For example, if you are engaged in private business, then you will try to interest in your product from the very beginning. That is, come up with a name, your own brand. The main thing is to make it so that it would be easy to perceive and attract, be a magnet for ordinary people, so that every ball is interested in learning as much as possible about this brand, about its activities. The field of activity affects a lot, what you choose will determine how successful your activity will be. As the saying goes, "as you name the ship, so it will float." You should also not resort to modifying other people's brands, because it will look like an ordinary parody of the original and will not linger in the minds of people for a long time.
Step 2
Determine how the brand name is chosen. To do this, you can adhere to the principle of common names, relying on simpler and somewhat similar names, but then do not be surprised that your brand is confused with others. The principle of descriptive names will lead to the fact that when describing products, visitors will not remember, because the brand should be remembered. The geographical principle is quite widespread, but we do not always invoke the desired effect. The simplest and most effective way to create a brand is based on the psycho-associative series, this helps the perception of the consumer and inspires confidence. According to the principle "Your own enemy", you can find an original name for your business, but which will have negative associations, which will cause rejection from the buyer.
Step 3
Do not forget that the brand should be special, have its own flavor and secret that would attract others. And also speaking about your brand, first of all, you should like it and please yourself, and if you yourself enjoy what you do and the name under which you do it, then those around you will appreciate your work. There is a little trick that you can use when choosing a name: try not to use the letters "y", "a" and "o", but words with the letters "e" and "i" are good for the brand, they will add sonority and be better remembered.