Currently, there is a lot of competition in the labor market. At the same time, it is quite difficult to find a way to earn money, where it would not be required to make first contributions or buy some additional equipment. In this regard, before starting to look for a job, it is necessary not only to analyze your knowledge and capabilities, but also to evaluate the available resources.

Step 1
List your skills and knowledge that you can use to make a profit. At the same time, it is advisable to be quite frank with yourself. The fact is that most types of earnings involve working for oneself, so it is best to list your shortcomings in parallel. After that, determine if you have a technique and connections in certain circles. It is also advisable to make a list of acquaintances who could help you in the implementation of ideas.
Step 2
Get involved in providing certain services. For example, you get along well with children. Arrange with friends who have a small child that you will look after him for a fee when they go somewhere or leave. If they like you, they can recommend you to another family.
Step 3
Thus, you will gain a certain circle of clients. With increasing popularity and experience, you can gradually increase your service fees. By the same analogy, you can receive money for cleaning premises, performing repairs, and so on.
Step 4
Create your own website for making money. If you are not versed in this area, then find a friend who could help you. You can also order the creation of a website for a special company, but this will require certain cash costs. In the case of a friend, you can agree on payment after you receive profit from the site. In this case, you can earn money from selling traffic or links, displaying banners and contextual advertising, as well as from participating in affiliate programs.
Step 5
Become a freelancer. If you know how to work in 3dMax, Photoshop and others, have the skills to create websites or write excellent articles, then you can make good money on your knowledge. Enter the word "freelance" in the search engine, and your attention will be provided with many sites on which posted job ads. Complete orders and get paid.