The consulting services market is highly competitive, but this does not mean that opening a consulting company is not profitable. If you find your niche, gather a staff of highly qualified specialists and attract at least a few clients at the very early stages, such a business will be successful.

It is necessary
premises, equipment and furniture
Step 1
Decide what kind of consulting you want to do. This can be legal or management consulting, business seminars, etc. It all depends on your desire and your knowledge, as well as on your team of specialists.
Step 2
Usually consulting firms are opened by those who previously worked in them. Call your acquaintances and former colleagues, find out if any of them wants to change jobs, invite the most successful ones to your business. Thus, specialists will work for you, in whom there is no doubt. You will also need to hire an accountant and secretary.
Step 3
As soon as you have decided on the types of services that you are going to provide, start looking for clients. First of all, this should be done through acquaintances - your business and personal contacts. Attend conferences where you can not only gain additional knowledge, but also meet and establish contact with potential clients. Create and promote a website describing all your services and projects. this can be done using contextual advertising on the Internet, as well as through social networks.
Step 4
Clients often meet with consultants on the territory of the latter, so you should take care of a cozy office. It is important to make a compromise here: the office should not be too large and "expensive" for you, otherwise you will spend too much on it for a start-up company, but it should not be small and inconveniently located. It is best to rent a small space in the city center or in a business center.
Step 5
Office furniture and equipment can be purchased or rented. The latter will be much cheaper. It is better to buy computers and other equipment.
Step 6
A limited liability company - LLC can be registered under a consulting firm. To register it, you will need to develop constituent documents (charter), collect a package of documents on founders and appointments in the company, pay a state fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles and submit these documents and a receipt for payment of the duty to the tax office. This can be done by yourself or through a company that deals with the registration of legal entities.