How To Name A Company For Free

How To Name A Company For Free
How To Name A Company For Free

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Coming up with a successful, catchy, "selling" name for a company is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In recent years, entrepreneurs have realized this and have begun to seek help from professional namers who develop the names of firms, services and products. More and more advertising companies and freelancers with linguistic and advertising education offer naming services, but they are quite expensive.

How to name a company for free
How to name a company for free


Step 1

Naming a company for free means doing it yourself or with the involvement of company employees. You can find a beginner naming specialist who is willing to work just for the sake of experience and portfolio. If you decide to name a company yourself, follow some simple rules.

Step 2

First of all, the name must be remembered. Many firms bear completely meaningless and unmemorable names, for example, "Asta-M". What is Asta-M? What can such a company do? Her potential clients will just pass by: they hardly have the time and desire to figure it out. You should not also call the company by your name or surname - there are an excess of companies with the names "Tatiana", "Marina", "Alekseev" and similar ones. In addition, it is also absolutely unclear what such a company is doing. In addition, after a while, you may want to sell the business, and selling a company with your own name is quite difficult.

Step 3

The name should depend on the profile of your company and on the target audience for its products or services. It is not at all necessary to call a law firm "Pravo" or "Lawyers" (especially since law firms under such names already exist), but its name should be associated with the subject of its activity.

Step 4

If the products of your company are designed for a youth audience, then the name should "catch" just the youth. In this case, it may contain elements of slang, catchy words, exclamation marks. It's a good idea to come up with a striking logo. A firm that provides services to business or offers products for the mature and wealthy should have a more solid name, and excessive flashiness is inappropriate here. To determine if your target audience's name is pleasant to you, it is best to "test" it on several representatives of this audience (for example, acquaintances). If they like the name, then most likely other people with similar income, needs, interests, etc. will like it.

Step 5

Before developing a name, you should search the Internet for your competitors - what are they called? You will be able to evaluate successful and unsuccessful names, to understand which suitable names are already "taken". Having come up with a specific name, it is best to also check with search engines if there is a company with the same name in your city.

Step 6

It is good when the name of the company is not just original and catchy, but when it evokes positive emotions. The easiest thing to remember is what you liked. In addition, the client will initially have a positive attitude towards a firm with a positive name.
