In the age of modern digital technologies, not having a website is like not having your own face. The presence on the Internet is obligatory, it can not only tell about your company, but also arouse the trust of a potential client, because it is known that now it is on the Internet that up to 90% of information about the company and its services is obtained.

Step 1
Before creating your site, carefully study the sites of competitors. Look at the colors and layouts of the tabs. Imagine yourself in the place of potential buyers, what information would you be looking for first? What would attract you and what would repel you? Note the pros and cons of the site. What caused the inconvenience, what, on the contrary, I liked. Write it down on a piece of paper. Remember that your customers are people just like you, what you don't like will alienate them too, exclude it from your site.
Step 2
Now, when the websites of companies are no longer new, the Internet is full of information, and often not of the best quality, people do not want to search for something for a long time and process a lot of text. In general, there is no need to read information. People are turning more not to the tab "about the company" with its sugary words of praise, but to the tab "question and answer", or social networks, where there is a discussion of the company and its products. Word of mouth has become very well established on the Internet. Several conclusions can be drawn from this. Firstly, the main page should contain as little text as possible, and secondly, the tab "about the company" can be left, but the information on it should be presented in an interesting way, for example, in the style of infographics - a comic strip telling about your activity with several capacious captions thirdly, the site will retain potential customers for a long time if it is interactive, if it will be possible to move something on it, play some java games dedicated to the activities of your company, and, finally, compilation of the site with popular social networks so that a link with any topic on your site can be easily inserted into the user status or there is an exit to discussions in groups and relevant communities.
Step 3
Layout creation.
Take a large white sheet of paper and draw several required fields on it - site header, footer, main field. Take stickers, it is better if they are colored. You can replace them with colored paper. cut out several rectangles, write the names of the tabs on them, draw a logo by hand, write contacts on a separate sticker. Make illustrations, news. which can be blocks cut from magazines and newspapers. Place it all on a white piece of paper. In the header of the site - the logo, company name and contacts, in the basement - partners or dubbing of tabs. arrange the rest of the tabs as you like. Move them until you understand that by going to the site and seeing exactly this arrangement of components, a potential client will be comfortable. Ask for advice, ask friends and acquaintances to rate, take into account their comments and wishes. Fix paper stickers, transfer everything to a computer program. It can be Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw, any raster or vector graphics program that can produce an image of good quality and expansion.