How To Make A Local Estimate

How To Make A Local Estimate
How To Make A Local Estimate

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Local estimate is the primary estimate document. They are made up for certain types of work and costs for each construction object: buildings, structures, general site work. The basis for calculating the local estimate is the scope of work and the necessary materials, which are determined during the development of working documentation and drawings.

How to make a local estimate
How to make a local estimate


Step 1

Divide the costs that are taken into account in the local estimate into four groups: construction, installation work, the cost of tools and equipment, and other costs. Based on the working construction documentation, determine the upcoming scope of work, the range and quantity of the required tools, inventory, equipment and furniture. Select the estimated standards in force for the current period and take into account the market value of equipment, furniture, inventory and free prices and tariffs for building and finishing materials.

Step 2

Determine the type of work for which the estimate will be drawn up: special construction work, internal plumbing work, finishing work, internal electrical work, vertical planning, the purchase of tools and equipment, etc. If the object is complex and large, the construction of which is divided into start-up complexes, several local schemes can be done for the same type of work.

Step 3

In each local estimate, group the data into sections for individual structural elements of the structure, type of work and devices in accordance with the technological sequence of work. In addition to construction work, the sections reflect work on the laying of communications, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning, electrical work, instrumentation and automation, the acquisition and installation of technological equipment. It is allowed to divide the object into underground and above-ground parts.

Step 4

Consider direct costs, overheads, and estimated profits in your local estimate. Include in direct costs the wages of workers, the cost of operating the equipment, the cost of materials with a line-by-line decoding. Accrue overhead costs and estimated profit at the end of the estimate, after the total amount of direct costs. For the calculation of overhead costs, use the overhead rates provided by the governing documents in force for the current period.
