Net assets are the actual value of the property available to the company less its debts, which is determined annually. Almost all legal entities should calculate the amount of net assets, since this indicator must be reflected in the Statement of changes in the capital of the annual financial statements, and its ratio with the level of the authorized capital may inform about the need to reduce the authorized capital, the impossibility of paying the founders of income and distribution of profits or liquidation of the organization. …

Step 1
The calculation of net assets is reduced to establishing the difference between assets and liabilities. The list of assets that you must take into account includes all non-current assets reflected in the balance sheet in the first section. These include: fixed assets, intangible assets, profitable investments in tangible assets, construction in progress, long-term financial investments, and other non-current assets.
Step 2
The category of assets that you need to account for includes the current assets shown in the balance sheet in the second section. That is, inventories, accounts receivable, cash, VAT on purchased values, short-term financial investments, as well as other current assets.
Step 3
The exception in this section is the value in the sum of the costs of the repurchase of personal shares acquired by the joint-stock company from shareholders for the purpose of their further cancellation or resale, as well as the founders' debt on contributions to the authorized capital.
Step 4
The liabilities that you must take into account include: short-term and long-term liabilities on loans and borrowings, including other liabilities; accounts payable, as well as debts to the founders for the payment of income; reserves for future expenses. In other words, take into account all long-term liabilities reflected in the fourth section of the balance sheet, and short-term liabilities reflected in the fifth section of the balance sheet.
Step 5
Thus, you can calculate the net assets of the company by subtracting from the amount of the company's assets accepted for calculation, the amount of liabilities accepted for calculation.
Step 6
At the same time, it is necessary to assess the funds, property, as well as other assets and liabilities of the joint-stock company in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and accounting regulations.