If you bought a low-quality item and found flaws, you can write an application for a refund, attach a receipt, and with this statement go to the store that sold you the product.

Step 1
Find out the organizational and legal form of the store that sold you the goods, the name, surname and position of the person who heads it. This information can be found on the bulletin board in the store. On your own behalf, write an application addressed to the director, fully indicate your name, patronymic and surname, leave the coordinates and means of communication, including a mobile phone, e-mail, icq and so on.
Step 2
Next, describe the situation in connection with which you contact the store with a request for a refund. Write what exactly you purchased, when the purchase took place, refer to the check number (it must be attached to the application, just in case, leave a copy for yourself). Write how much you paid for the item. The fact of payment is a confirmation of the fulfillment of your obligations to the selling organization.
Step 3
In the next paragraph, describe in detail the defects of the purchased product that were discovered during the warranty period. In the same place, cite Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", according to which the seller is obliged to transfer the goods in proper form.
Step 4
Based on the fact that the seller has violated his obligations to you, conclude that you have the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale (buying goods in the store is exactly that) and demand the return of the amount of money that you paid for the goods. Please note that this right derives from Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law and paragraph 3 of Article 503 of the Civil Code, and you can claim it during the warranty period.
Step 5
In conclusion, write that, in accordance with the above facts, you refuse from a low-quality product and ask you to reimburse you for losses in the amount spent on the purchase within 10 days. Write down the amount in figures and words.
Step 6
The store is obliged to return the money to you within 10 days from the date of receipt of the letter, so make sure that the letter is handed to the store management. If the seller refuses to return the money, referring to the fact that everything was in order at the time of purchase, ask for an independent examination. Remember that if defects are found during the warranty period, the examination is carried out at the expense of the seller.