A certificate for maternity capital is a document that confirms the right to use maternity capital and is given to families who have given birth to a second and subsequent child from 2007 to 2016.

Step 1
To receive maternity capital, a mother needs to come to the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration and provide documents: -passport or other document that confirms identity, registration and citizenship; -birth certificate of the child.
Step 2
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, employees of the Pension Fund are required to make copies of all documents, and return the originals. Then the mother will need to write an application, which will be considered within one month from the date of its submission, after which it will be possible to come for a certificate. In the event that it is not possible to appear at the Pension Fund in person, you can send all documents by mail, having previously certified them with a notary.
Step 3
A mother who is a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive a maternal certificate for a second child if he was born or was adopted in the period from 2007 to 2016. A maternal certificate can also be obtained for the third child (or for the fourth), if the mother did not receive a certificate for the second (or third) child. A maternal certificate can be obtained for the first twins, only it is necessary to establish which of the children was born second.
Step 4
The father is also entitled to maternity capital, but only if he is the only adoptive parent of two or more children, and the last child was born (or was adopted) not earlier than 2007.
Step 5
Maternity capital is not relied upon if the child died during childbirth, but it is relied on if the child died in the first week - these children are now also entitled to a birth certificate.
Step 6
In 2011, the maternity capital is 365,700 rubles, but this amount will increase annually based on the rise in inflation. The amount of maternity capital can be spent only when the child reaches the age of three and only for the purposes provided for by legislation: - To improve housing conditions. This direction implies that families who have received the right to a certificate can use it to buy or build housing, as well as repay loans and loans for the purchase of housing or participation in housing cooperatives. - For the education of children. That is, the certificate can be used to pay for the educational services of one or several children in any educational institution of our state. - To increase the funded part of the mother's pension. These funds can be placed in both state and non-state pension funds of the Russian Federation. - For everyday needs (limited amount). In 2009, the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev amended the Federal Law "On additional measures of state support for families with children" according to which all families eligible for maternity capital can cash out an amount of 12,000 rubles for everyday needs. According to statistics, this program has gained wide popularity among the population, and several million people have already used it.