How Long Is The 2-NDFL Certificate Valid?

How Long Is The 2-NDFL Certificate Valid?
How Long Is The 2-NDFL Certificate Valid?

Today, the most common and reliable document confirming the income of an employee is a 2-NDFL certificate. Its form is unchanged and approved by legislative acts. Without a certificate, it is almost impossible to get a loan of any form, to issue guardianship or to travel to foreign countries. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in a difficult situation, it is necessary to understand the purpose of the 2-NDFL certificate and the terms of its validity.

How long is the 2-NDFL certificate valid?
How long is the 2-NDFL certificate valid?

Form-2 of personal income tax is the same for each employer and contains data about him, the employee, accrued monthly income, tax deductions and benefits, as well as the total amount of income for the period with deductions and deductions. This information can be requested by different institutions and organizations, and in one case it must be provided by employers, and in another by employees.

Employers are required to annually submit a certificate to the tax authorities to confirm the income and taxes paid by their employees. This is regulated by the Tax Code, and the manager is liable for non-compliance with this provision in the form of fines. At the same time, an individual may experience situations that cannot be resolved without this document, for example, obtaining a loan or mortgage loan. To do this, he has the right to request a certificate as many times as necessary.

The validity period of the 2-NDFL certificate is not regulated by law, and in this regard, it can be concluded that it has no expiration date. After all, the information displayed in it is already a fait accompli, and the accrued income with taxes paid cannot be changed. Nevertheless, various structures and organizations establish an individual period of its validity, but there are basic situations in which the validity of the document is especially important.

When considering applications for the issuance of loans and credits by banks and credit institutions, the 2-NDFL form is included in the list of required documents, and its validity period is limited. The bank can set a specific date for issuing a document, as well as an indication of income in a specified time period. Situations are not excluded when an institution may require confirmation of income according to its established model. When applying for a mortgage loan, you must confirm income for the period in the last 6 months, and the certificate is valid for 30 calendar days.

In some cases, when traveling abroad and applying for visas, the embassies may require confirmation of income in the form of a certificate. The time period and validity period in this case depend on the established legal regulations of the country to be visited. Therefore, in order to avoid uncomfortable situations before going on a business trip or on vacation, you should agree on the paperwork in the official embassy.
