If you have lost access to the Sberbank card, then you should restore it in the near future so that your funds remain safe and do not fall into the hands of fraudsters. Often, for this you just need to contact the official department of the bank and draw up all the necessary documents. However, there are situations when this is not enough, because often users, along with the card, lose documents confirming its ownership, forget the code words, or leave their cards at the ATM without taking them back after using the device.

Registration of an application for the restoration procedure
You can visit the nearest branch of the bank and submit an application in writing, indicating the reason for the restoration of the card, as well as perform a similar procedure via the Internet, referring to the official website of Sberbank or the Sberbank Online service. If you choose the second method, then you need to follow these simple steps available to each user:
- Go to the field "Cards" and select exactly the card that you have always used
- Press the "Re-issue" button, with the help of which you can directly contact the bank representatives and inform them about the need for a recovery procedure
- Enter all the requested information, including the reasons and timing of recovery, as well as your personal data
- Confirm your application using a special code that will come to your phone linked to the card
- Wait for an official call from a bank representative
Come to the nearest branch of Sberbank and pick up the restored card
Card recovery in case of "swiping" by ATM
There are also unique cases when the procedure for restoring a Sberbank card is slightly different from the traditional method described above. So, if your card is "swallowed" by an ATM, then you should:
- Approach a bank employee if you encounter a problem right at the Sberbank office. It is necessary to tell the manager how everything happened so that he draws up an application for the restoration of the card. It should be said that in this case, you will need to wait until the bank personnel remove all the plastic in the process of unloading the notes from the equipment.
- In any case, it will be necessary to block your card, "swallowed" by the device, since fraudsters can use its data remotely.
- If your card remains in an ATM located in the official office of the bank, then, as a rule, you will not have to wait long, because literally in a few days, following your application, the employees will restore it and hand it over to you.
- But sometimes it happens that the card remains in an ATM located on the street or on the territory of a shopping center. In such a situation, you will need to wait much longer for the card to be removed from the device. Therefore, experts recommend temporarily ordering a new card and using it until the procedure for restoring the old one comes to an end.
Required documents and recovery time
Recovering a blocked, damaged or lost Sberbank card is a special procedure that should be addressed immediately after you suspect problems related to payment data. To restore the card, you will need to visit the Sberbank office, taking with you the original passport and all available documents confirming that this card belongs exclusively to you.
Even if you file an application for restoration through electronic services, you still have to visit the bank. The specialist will quickly check the ownership of the card, find out the possible causes of your problems and suggest an ideal strategy for action.

Many Sberbank users are interested in the question of how long all these procedures will take. As a rule, if you are using a standard card, then you will need to wait only a few days. However, if your card is stolen or damaged, first you should contact the law enforcement agencies and report it. If everything is really confirmed, then you can get your card after the official closure of the theft case.
Situations when the card recovery procedure cannot be carried out
There are also cases when the card cannot be restored, and you will need to write an application for a new one. For example, bank employees are often powerless against theft, damage, destruction. If you are faced with exactly these problems, then, most likely, representatives of Sberbank will offer you to create a new payment card. In addition, recovery is often difficult when the user has erased the data printed on the card or the tape becomes demagnetized. The way out of all these situations in most cases comes down to the production of a new card, its replacement.
Recovery in case the user has forgotten the password
The recovery procedure is also necessary when the cardholder has forgotten the password for it. At the same time, Sberbank employees strongly recommend that you first try to restore access to the card yourself, and in case of failure, contact the nearest office. You will need to find the envelope received with the card and find the password information in it. If you have lost these important documents, try to strain your memory and re-enter the password at the ATM. However, you should not try to enter it more than twice, because if the third attempt fails, the device will instantly block your payment details.

If you still can't remember the password, you will need to visit the Sberbank branch. An employee of the organization will ask you to remember the code word that you came up with when you issued the card. Usually, users indicate their maiden name, the names of the next of kin, the names of pets or the name of the street on which they grew up as it.
A correctly named code word will help the bank representatives find all other information related to your card and help you create a new password to restore access. In this case, you don't even need to wait, because the whole procedure is completed in just a few minutes.
However, when the user cannot remember the code word, the bank employee is not entitled to restore the card. In such a situation, the subscriber will need to block it and reissue it in the future.
Sberbank card recovery cost
In most cases, the restoration of a Sberbank card is a paid procedure. The cost of services depends on the type of your card. So, for example, if you use a debit card, you will need to pay from 40 to 60 rubles, and for users of credit cards, bank services will cost about 150 rubles. Payment takes place immediately after submitting an application for the card restoration procedure at the Sberbank office.
Additional user actions during recovery
During the restoration of the card in Sberbank, you will not only need to complete all the necessary documents, but also urge the bank employee to find out if all the funds have remained in place. After all, it happens that fraudsters who block cards remotely manage to use the user's accounts even before submitting an application. If this really happened, you will need to contact your police station and write a statement for illegal debiting of funds from your card.

In addition, experts strongly recommend that you do not leave money in your account even during the recovery process. If you want to keep all the savings on your accounts, then urgently fill out an application for the withdrawal of all funds in the appropriate branch of Sberbank. The bank employee will definitely check whether the card really belongs to you, and then will issue a special document, according to which you can receive money at the cash desk.