What Is A Bank Card Slip

What Is A Bank Card Slip
What Is A Bank Card Slip

Slip is a document by which you can find out information about a banking transaction when paying for goods or services using a card. Issuance takes place using an imprinter.

What is a bank card slip
What is a bank card slip

Slip - a receipt, with the help of which a transaction is made on a bank card using a special mechanical device. Usually it is a self-copying three-layer form.

Defining and getting a slip

Using the imprinter, the operator prints the embossed details on the bank card slip. On the check itself, there is also an imprint, which can be used to obtain information about the outlet. Additionally, the seller can manually fill in the data on the operation being performed; all three copies must be signed by both the seller and the cashier. One paper is transferred to the cardholder, the second remains at the point of sale, and the third is transferred to the bank for further processing.

A correctly filled slip serves as a confirmation that the transaction was made with the actual presence of a plastic card. From a legal point of view, such an operation has the same effect as when confirming with a PIN code.

Slip features

The document provides information on:

  • place of expenditure of funds;
  • time and date of the transaction;
  • authorization code;
  • currency.

Most often, a slip is used if you need to make a targeted payment, for example, when paying utility bills. If, during the trial, you need to provide a document, then it is best to get a bank statement certified by a wet seal.

There are two main reasons for using slips. The first is that the seller of goods or services does not have the technical ability to establish a terminal. The second is the absence in the state or region of a single processing center through which information would get to the servicing bank.

In simple terms, we can say that when paying with a bank card, the buyer is issued a check and a slip. If the transaction was performed with the introduction of the PIN-code, then the buyer may not sign. In all other cases, it is necessary. The client should never indicate a PIN code in this document in order to protect himself from fraudulent activities with the card.

If, for some reason, the document was drawn up incorrectly or the information was not clearly printed, the holder of the plastic card must insist on the cancellation of the document and the provision of a new one. Lawyers warn that it is better to save slips. In the event of a dispute resolved in court, you will have to provide these documents three months in advance.

In conclusion, we note that in almost every shopping center in the country you can get a terminal slip. This receipt, which is the third copy of the receipt. It contains information about the actions taken and confirms the transaction. Usually banks enter into a special agreement with sellers for the maintenance of the slip system. You can use this service if, for some reason, the service terminal does not work.
