The only opportunity to purchase their own housing for a number of residents of such large cities as Samara is mortgage. But in order to spend as little money and effort as possible on finding a suitable lending option, you need to know the specifics of providing mortgage financing.

Step 1
Find the list of banks in Samara. There are special sites on the Internet dedicated to the banking sector in this city. Select a few from the list and go to their sites. Explore the mortgage programs listed there. Data is best stored in a table. So it will be possible to more clearly compare the profitability of the banks' offers. Pay attention not only to the interest rate on the loan, but also to the conditions imposed on the borrower. For example, if you are looking for a no down payment mortgage, your list of possible banks will be greatly reduced. Such loans in Samara are provided by Sberbank, but even then with a number of restrictions in the form of attracting additional property as collateral.
Step 2
Gather the necessary documents to apply for a loan. It is best to receive them in several copies in order to immediately send applications to different banks. You will need certificates of income in the form of 2NDFL or in the form of a bank at least six months in advance. Also fill out a copy of the work book, certified by the signature and seal of the employer. If you have already chosen a specific apartment, please provide copies of the documents for it. The same papers must be provided by the co-borrower, if you provide for his participation.
Step 3
Contact the banks of your choice for making loan applications. You should start with the bank in which you have a salary account. Such a financial institution is more likely to have more confidence in you. In the questionnaires, indicate the most truthful information. Otherwise, the bank's security service may reject your profile as suspicious.
Step 4
Wait for a response from all the banks you contacted. From the received positives, choose the most favorable option for you. Please note that it is better to opt for a mortgage with differentiated payments, if possible. This will impose on you a lot of financial responsibility at the beginning of the loan, but later you will save on paying interest.