To solve the current financial difficulties, there is nothing better than taking out a loan. However, it is worthwhile to analyze the situation from all sides so that the loan debt does not add to your difficulties. Currently, Samara banks offer a variety of loan programs aimed at meeting various goals.

Step 1
Determine the specific goals for which the borrowed funds will be directed. Make a list of purchases, payment for services or other needs for which you currently do not have enough funds. After that, use loan calculators and determine the monthly loan payments. Compare this value with your income and find out if you are able to pay off your obligations. These conclusions will help you determine the optimal loan amount and repayment period.
Step 2
Choose a loan program. To do this, you can use the site, which contains a list of all Samara banks that offer loans to the population. Find the type of lending you are interested in and click on the "Pick up a loan" link. Enter the original search query data and click the "Find" button. As a result, a list of banks that meet your requirements will appear.
Step 3
Study the terms of lending in various credit institutions in Samara. Select the bank you want to cooperate with. After that, start collecting the necessary documents. You can, of course, write an online application or immediately contact the bank, but if you want to get a loan faster, it is recommended to visit the bank with the documents already collected. This will be a positive factor for you.
Step 4
Make a copy of your work book or employment contract, which you have to certify with your employer. Get a certificate of income from the accounting department at your place of work. If you have additional sources of income, then also make a copy of your 3-NDFL tax return. For men under 27 years old, a military ID must be presented to the bank.
Step 5
Contact the bank and write an application for a loan. Submit all the necessary documents and wait for a decision on your request. After receiving an affirmative answer, sign the loan agreement. At the same time, carefully study its conditions so that in the future you will not be surprised by additional commissions or fines.