What Is Teaser Advertising

What Is Teaser Advertising
What Is Teaser Advertising

From Wikipedia: Teaser (English teaser "teaser, lure") - advertising message, built as a riddle, which contains part of the information about the product, but the product itself is not fully demonstrated.


Teaser advertising is one of the most common types of advertising. This format has been used in the advertising market for more than 8 years, so it does not belong to the category of innovative ones.

Format features

Externally, a teaser banner is a text-graphic block consisting of a picture and text. Teaser banners have a very simple but colorful design and are "disguised" as ordinary news, not an advertising banner. One teaser banner can contain from 1 to 24 ads.

The peculiarity of a teaser ad is that it should attract the user's attention. Teaser ads never reveal the essence of the offer. A photo of a famous person or some kind of provocative image with something vile, shocking, sexy, provocative is most often used as a picture.


The text matches the image and provokes the user to click on the ad. Often phrases like "Scandal", "Shock", "This will never be shown on TV" are used in the text. Or a solution to a known problem is proposed in a simple, easy and fast way. Example: “Belly and leg fat will burn in 5 days”, “Grandfather's way to pump up at home in 1 month”, “Old recipe for quickly lowering sugar levels”, etc.

Teaser networks

There are a lot of teaser networks in the advertising market. Network representatives negotiate with various sites, recruit a pool of sites, sometimes combining them by topic or target audience. The advertiser turns to such a network and places his advertisement on several sites at once, getting more coverage for this and saving time for negotiating with each individual site.

The low quality of the advertising product leads to the fact that dubious advertisers "bite" on it and agree to place such advertisements on low-grade sites.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits are few. At first glance, teaser blocks have a high click-through rate and the advertiser gets a lot of clicks to his site. But, site visitors are led to an enticing image and text, they are not interested in the advertiser's product itself. Very few of these visitors actually purchase what the teaser advertises, which means that the format is not effective.

A site that posts low quality teaser blocks inevitably suffers from search engine sanctions. The search bot fixes low-grade ads on the page and lowers the site in the search results, which negatively affects the amount of site traffic.

A user who clicks on an ad also gets a negative experience. He clicked to read how to "quickly lose 5 kg in 5 minutes for free", and he was offered to try a miracle drug "for only 5000 rubles." Sometimes teaser networks advertise not goods, but different information sites. They attract new visitors to them in this way. But in order to avoid penalties from search engines for transitions from low-quality resources, they redirect users from one landing page to another. The user has to click on the news 3-4 times on different pages, go through a difficult path to finally read its content.



Money turnover in teaser networks is usually not taxed, not formalized, so placement of teaser ads is relatively cheap for advertisers.

Unfortunately, in such conditions, the teaser ad format is ideal for the actions of cybercriminals: advertised goods and services of poor quality, or completely deceiving customers. If the advertising product is worthwhile, then its advertising does not require resorting to prohibited methods, it will find its buyer anyway.
