A specialized tobacco shop is a solid business and a great investment. In Russia, about three percent of the population smokes. This is a lot. Entrepreneurs who want to receive a steady income are striving to occupy this niche.

Step 1
Register with the tax office at your place of residence as an individual entrepreneur, and register there the cash register that you will need to trade in tobacco products. Be sure to conclude an agreement for the maintenance and repair of the cash register (cash register) at the technical center.
Step 2
A standard set of documents for opening a tobacco shop includes contracts with fire and trade inspectorates, Rospotrebnadzor and SES. No special licenses are required for a tobacco shop.
Step 3
Decide on the location of the future store. In the administration of a city or town, select a non-residential premises with an area of 30 to 50 sq. meters. Rent must be municipal and inexpensive. It is good if the room is located in a passable, significant place, not in an alley or in the backyard. Pay attention to the building itself, its appearance and the interior decoration of the room, which may require renovation and good design, furniture and interior. This is important for a tobacco shop and will attract respectable customers.
Step 4
Buy a special humidor cabinet for storing cigars and tobacco. It maintains constant temperature and humidity.
Step 5
Equip the store with a video surveillance camera and install a security and fire alarm. Advertise online and, if possible, create a website to attract customers.
Step 6
Order a sign for your store from an advertising company. Then check it with the department of architecture of urban planning, since store signs are related to outdoor advertising.
Step 7
Advertise in the newspaper about the selection of sellers - consultants who understand the specifics of trade and know the assortment well, the cashier and the administrator to resolve issues and manage the store, unless, of course, you are going to do this personally.