Whether you are planning to enter the market with a completely new service or to offer consumers something well known, your service needs to be promoted. To make it in demand, pay attention to its advertising. Use the basic rules of good advertising: it must be recognizable, promise something special that others do not have, and also indicate a specific benefit that most consumers are interested in.

Step 1
Promotion of any product or service begins with advertising. Otherwise, they simply won't know about you. Remember, your ads need to be memorable. Therefore, before coming up with an advertising slogan, poster or video, think about how it will conceptually differ from other slogans, posters or videos of similar services. To do this, you need to analyze how your competitors are advertising similar (or similar) services.
Step 2
If the service you offer is no different from others of the same kind, then it will not arouse interest among consumers. Therefore, decide how you can differentiate yourself from the competition. It can be anything: both the use of environmentally friendly materials in the provision of the service, and its lower price. This must be shown in advertising.
Step 3
Any advertising slogan or video has anchor words that attract the most attention and have a special impact on the consumer. These words depend on the ordinary values of the average person (health, safety, economy, reliability, children, etc.). Therefore, try to make sure that these words (and images too) are used in your ad.
Step 4
The higher the competition, the more aggressive an advertising campaign a product or service needs. Therefore, try to use all possible advertising methods (Internet, social networks, press, radio, posters). At least some of this should work. When choosing the main advertising method, focus on the target audience: for example, if your service is designed for young people, advertising via the Internet will be most effective.