In our country, on September 1, 2011, the law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" came into force. Its task is to legalize the private taxi market and make it safe. And if earlier any driver who owned a car could be engaged in a private taxi, now such activities are allowed by a passenger taxi that has the necessary permission.

Step 1
Remember that it is possible to engage in private taxi only if certain requirements are met. You must register a legal entity or register as an individual entrepreneur, obtain a permit to carry out this type of activity, valid for 5 years. Moreover, this permit is valid only in the region where it was obtained, and for each vehicle you will have to obtain a separate permit.
Step 2
In addition, you will be able to engage in a private driver if your driving experience is at least 5 years or at least 3 years of experience, confirmed by an employment or civil law contract.
Step 3
If you are going to do a private carriage, then prepare an appropriate vehicle. It must meet the established requirements:
- must be in your private property;
- is obliged to undergo a technical inspection every six months;
- must have a color scheme on the body;
- there should be an orange lantern on the roof;
- the car must be equipped with a taximeter.
Step 4
In order to obtain a permit for the right to engage in private transport, you need to contact the transport inspection at your place of residence and submit the following documents:
- application for a permit;
- technical passport with a mark on the passage of technical inspection;
- passport;
- driver's medical certificate;
- driver's license;
- contract for parking and repair of a vehicle;
- certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
Step 5
You will be given a permit within 30 days. Remember that without it you are breaking the law and risk getting a fine of 5,000 rubles. Therefore, if you are planning to engage in a taxi, then take care in advance of obtaining a permit, the production of receipt forms, as well as identification marks for a passenger taxi.