Gone are the days when remittances were a laborious and dangerous process. You no longer need to stand in lines, carry huge amounts of money or transfer money to unfamiliar people in the hope of a miracle. The process of translation itself is extremely simple today: from sending to receiving.

It is necessary
- - Russian passport or residence permit for foreign citizens,
- - number of translation,
- - the amount of the transfer and the currency of the item,
- - application for receipt.
Step 1
All you need to receive a money transfer is the transfer number, amount and sender's data. However, in order to receive money, you need to know exactly what service it was sent with.
Step 2
Since Soviet times, Russian Post has had the most widespread network of branches. The term of a money transfer by mail is 1-3 days. Payment of commission for services - 1-5% of the total amount (abroad, of course, more expensive). The old-fashioned phrase "postal order" has been replaced by the extravagant "CyberMoney". The quality of the service has also improved: cash payments are possible between individuals and legal entities. To receive funds, you must contact the nearest post office, fill out a receipt and give it to the operator with a code from the sender. The amount is issued in cash, provided that it does not exceed 25,000 rubles.
Step 3
When sending and receiving a bank transfer for an urgent service, up to 2% commission may be asked. Money is issued at the cash desk of the bank branch. The recipient submits his documents, fills out the declaration and that's it. Most often, such a service is not tied to a specific branch. The main thing is to clarify the shelf life. Almost every bank promises to quickly and painlessly transfer your money from point A to point B. The terms of the agreement are individual, study and decide for the client. The most advertised is Sberbank of Russia. It was he who developed the "Blitz" system of transfers (this is in case the money is urgently needed outside of Russia).
Step 4
A very convenient translation system is electronic translation, but it is also the least studied by the consumer. In a matter of minutes, you can transfer the amount anywhere in the world without leaving your computer. Convenient but expensive. And registration is required in the system: Western Union or MoneyGRAM. The latter is best used if the money remains on the Internet (for purchases, payments). They can be converted into a suitable currency, cashed, etc. But you have to pay for each operation. And a lot. Similar systems have been developed in Russia: Anelik, Contact, STB-Express, Unistream, MIGOM. Some of them operate only within the country, some cooperate only with the CIS countries.