SNILS is an abbreviation that stands for “insurance number of an individual personal account”. The SNILS number is printed on the front side of the insurance certificate, which at the moment all citizens of Russia are required to receive.

How to get SNILS
Individual accounts are opened in the pension fund for each citizen of the Russian Federation. They are needed to form pension savings by deducting taxes on wages and other income. It is necessary to open an account from the moment of birth. Of course, their parents receive insurance certificates for newborns. To do this, you must appear at the office of the Pension Fund with a personal passport and a child's birth certificate. After filling out the corresponding application, after a while you will receive a green plastic card with a unique number.
If you have not received SNILS for a newborn child, then you can do this through a kindergarten or educational institution. To do this, you must fill out a special form. Students, as a rule, enter their data on their own, but under the supervision of teachers or the principal. SNILS are received by parents only if their child is a minor.
What is SNILS
SNILS is the account number to which deductions from income are made. This number is indicated in the format "000-000-000 00". Funds are accumulated on it over the course of a person's work experience, and then are taken into account when forming the amount of the pension. The first nine digits are the number of the account itself, and the additional two are check digits, which are indicated in a special list and confirm the legality of the issued insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
Since 2002, pension insurance has been compulsory for all citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether they work or not. SNILS is necessary as a guarantee that, upon retirement, a person will receive appropriate payments.
Why do you need SNILS
In a broad sense, SNILS is your pension. However, the advantages of an individual number are not limited to this. On the government services portal, by entering the numbers printed on the insurance certificate, you can access a variety of services. For example, you can request a retirement account statement, review your penalties, explore social assistance programs, and many other services.
According to SNILS data, a database of citizens is being formed who have the right to receive social benefits. This is a kind of electronic card of a person, thanks to which he can avoid queues and fill out documents for obtaining a passport, TIN and medical policy at any convenient time. At the moment, this system is in its infancy, but in the near future everyone will be able to use it.