How To Earn Initial Capital

How To Earn Initial Capital
How To Earn Initial Capital

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The initial capital can be both small and large, but it does not change its essence - it is the first earned money, which serves to further increase the state. But how do you earn the initial capital?


Step 1

Choose the type of future earnings: either work "for an uncle", or work for yourself. Also determine the place of work: office or home of a family member at a personal computer.

Step 2

Decide what you do best. Consider only honest options without begging or cheating. Get a job and receive your wages, forming the initial capital.

Step 3

Start your blog on free blogging platforms. Gradually fill it with interesting materials, incl. news, thereby attracting as many visitors as possible. Then contact banner exchange networks to serve you advertisements. For placing such advertisements on your blog with good traffic, you will receive your hard-earned money for a thousand views. Also go to link exchanges, where you get a few cents for one click from your blog.

Step 4

Register on sites that provide an opportunity to make money with almost any skill. For example, writing texts, various slogans, website development, providing design services, and more. etc. Find yourself a regular customer and save up your first capital.

Step 5

Write posts on (your) forums, creating interesting and discussed topics. Thus, you will promote them and receive profit in the future.

Step 6

Buy cheaper and sell more expensive goods at various auctions, preferably on a large scale. The difference will be your earnings. Be careful not to miss out on a great below market price. Use systems similar to the Sniper, which place the decisive bid in the last seconds of the auction.

Step 7

Get involved in creative activities, for example, making designer toys, perhaps even from natural materials. Also handicrafts, embroidery and knitting, wood carving, etc.

Step 8

Provide consulting services in industries that you know very well.
