Many people have had the idea of starting their own business at least once. But for the majority, it was shattered by the eternal question "where to get money for start-up capital?" Let's try to figure out how to save the idea of creating a business from the problem of lack of funds.

Step 1
First of all - what kind of business do you want? Different cases require different investments. Opening a restaurant is quite costly, but a small hairdressing salon will not require much, although, of course, it will bring less income.
Step 2
Of course, to create a relatively costly business, you can take a loan from a bank, try to attract investors, or, in the end, borrow money from your family. All of these paths have their own merits. But they also have one main drawback: the money that you took, you will have to return or work out. Such a burden of responsibility can scare off an entrepreneur, especially a beginner and not fully confident in his abilities.
Step 3
So, you decided to find the funds for the start-up capital on your own. First, you need to decide on the type of business that you like, and, accordingly, on the amount that you need for it. It is more rational to open a very small business, but open in the near future, and not try to save money from your salary for an expensive project, then suddenly drop everything and spend it on something else, and then … be upset that nothing happened.
Step 4
Suppose you need 100,000 rubles to open your business. The sooner you start your own business, the better, but where can you get 100,000 from? Let's start by putting together a plan for your regular income and expenses.
Step 5
First, let's calculate what real monthly income you have. To do this, you need to add up all the income you receive (salary, fees from freelance work, rent, etc.) and subtract from them the compulsory expenses (payments on loans, for example). From the remaining amount, subtract the approximate amount that you spend on the essentials - food, phone, internet, etc. The remaining money is the asset that you can invest in your start-up capital, provided, of course, that you agree to live for the sake of the future business some time without unnecessary spending, for example, on vacation or on household appliances.
Step 6
Find a way to make more money in your workplace. Maybe you can take part in any additional projects and, accordingly, make money on them? Maybe you recently took on a very large amount of work, and now it is worth asking for a salary increase?
Step 7
Secondly, isn't it time to start converting your free time into money? The average person works from 9 am to 6 pm 5 days a week. What can not be said about an entrepreneur - he seems to always work. It is worth introducing yourself to an irregular schedule with part-time jobs, fortunately, there is a lot of work for freelancers now. You will be especially in demand as a freelancer if you are a programmer, web designer, translator with extensive work experience. A side job will not bring "quick" money, but it will still help you accumulate start-up capital faster and, accordingly, start your own business faster. Of course, it's hard to work in the evenings and on weekends. But you want to create your own business, right?
Step 8
Passive methods can also speed up capital formation. Watch for fluctuations in exchange rates and transfer your savings into a growing currency in time. Look around you - do you have, say, an old car that you no longer drive? By selling it, you can also get funds that will help you in the future and will allow you to earn on a clearly better car.
Step 9
The main thing is not to get involved in questionable ways of making money. For example, do not gamble if you have not had such experience in the past. Inexperienced players rarely get something, rather they lose. Do not take a part-time job from customers who do not inspire confidence in you - what if you do the job, but they won't pay you? Value your time and money.
Step 10
There are many ways to make money with start-up capital. It doesn't matter which one you choose. The main thing is that after reading this article, you really draw up your financial plan and begin to act - look for a part-time job, think about how to ask for a salary increase from the manager, since you can achieve anything only by starting to move towards your goal.