How To Get An Invoice Certificate

How To Get An Invoice Certificate
How To Get An Invoice Certificate

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Currently, the sale and purchase of a vehicle can be formalized by signing a notarized purchase and sale agreement or obtaining a certificate of invoice. A reference-account is a document of strict reporting, which has its own number and series, micro-printing and protective watermarks. In this regard, it is more secure, and only organizations that have passed the mandatory certification in the traffic police can issue it for you. Also, the advantage of a certificate-invoice is that at the same time you receive the "Transit" sign, which will have to be drawn up separately in the case of a sales contract.

How to get an invoice certificate
How to get an invoice certificate


Step 1

Contact a trucking company or a law firm that has the authority to issue bills. Consult with specialists on the registration procedure and take a list of documents that will need to be provided.

Step 2

Be sure to ask for a document confirming the certification of the traffic police to avoid fraud. Remember that on July 30, 2009, a resolution was adopted, according to which the issuance of forms of reference accounts was discontinued. In this regard, not many companies have them in stock. Check this point with an employee of the company.

Step 3

Agree with the seller of the car about the time of the sale and purchase transaction and coordinate it with the employees of the selected company. Tell the seller that you want to issue a certificate-invoice, so he will need to remove the vehicle from the register on his own.

Step 4

Collect a package of documents for obtaining a certificate-account: vehicle passport with a traffic police mark stating that the car has been removed from the register for further sale (exchange, donation, etc.); transit numbers, if they have already been issued earlier; as well as the passport of the buyer and seller. If one of the parties is a legal entity, then it is necessary to draw up a contract of assignment and a power of attorney for a representative of the company on the right to buy or sell this vehicle.

Step 5

Come with the seller to the company that draws up the certificate-invoice. This document will be written in your name, indicating the value of the car agreed upon upon sale. Pay for the services of the company and the accrued sales tax.

Step 6

Get an account statement and a "Transit" sign. The service company must also make a backup copy of this document, which must be kept in the archive for several years. If you lose the original certificate, you can always contact this company for recovery.
