How To Reduce The Authorized Capital In

How To Reduce The Authorized Capital In
How To Reduce The Authorized Capital In

Table of contents:


The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the mandatory registration of any changes in the authorized capital of the company. The changes take effect only from the moment of their state registration. The decision to reduce the authorized capital can be forced or voluntary. In any case, the size of the authorized capital cannot go beyond the legally established minimum (today it is 10,000 rubles).

How to reduce the authorized capital
How to reduce the authorized capital


Step 1

The decision to change the authorized capital is taken at the general meeting of participants or individually (if there is one participant in the company) and is drawn up in minutes. A decrease in the authorized capital can be carried out by reducing the value of the shares of each participant (while the size of the shares of all participants is preserved) or by paying off the shares owned by the company.

Step 2

The general meeting should consider the following issues: • Reduction of the authorized capital of the company.

• Changes in the charter of the company.

• Notification of creditors about the decrease in the authorized capital.

• Upon redemption of a share - change in the ratio of shares in the authorized capital.

• When the par value of the shares of each participant decreases - the change in the value of the shares.

Step 3

The decision to change the authorized capital and its new size must be published in the "Bulletin of State Registration", as well as notify all creditors in writing. This must be done within 30 days from the date of the decision to reduce the authorized capital.

Step 4

Prepare a package of documents for registration: 1. Applications in the form of Р13001 and Р14001 (if the changes relate to the par value of the shares).

2. Changes to the charter or new edition of the charter.

3. Protocol on the reduction of the authorized capital.

4. A copy of the publication in the State Registration Bulletin.

5. Copy of notices to all creditors.

6. Receipt of payment of state duty for registration of changes.

Step 5

A complete list of documents must be provided within 1 month from the date of notification of the decrease in the authorized capital of the last creditor.
