How Much Money To Give For A Birthday

How Much Money To Give For A Birthday
How Much Money To Give For A Birthday

It can be difficult to pinpoint an acceptable amount of a cash gift. When calculating how much money to put in an envelope, there are several factors to consider. The main ones are the scale of the celebration, personal relationships and financial capabilities.

How much money to give for a birthday
How much money to give for a birthday

Many people think that giving money is impolite and indecent. But often it is this kind of gift that will please you the most. Therefore, if you do not know the hero of the occasion or hear that he is saving up money for a big purchase, handing over an envelope with bills is the best option. This raises another subtle question: how much would be appropriate? The answer depends on the specific situation.

The scale of the celebration

The more significant the date, the larger the gift should be. For a birthday, when the birthday person turns, say, 44 years old, you can give a small amount, but for an anniversary at 50 it should be more.

Rare events that do not happen every year are worthy of more attention and spending. It is worth investing as much money as possible on a wedding gift (as far as finances allow). And if the newlyweds suddenly decide to celebrate the first anniversary, it is appropriate to divide this amount.

It is also worth considering whether the holiday is personal or general. On his birthday, a person has the right to feel in the center of attention and receive a cash gift that will be enough for a large purchase. New Year is a celebration that we share with others, so the amount may be less.

The scale of the celebration must also be considered. If the celebration is celebrated on a grand scale, a lot of money and time has been spent on it, it is worth investing more in an envelope. You can spend less on a small holiday at home. But this factor should not be decisive: consider other indicators when deciding how much to put in a gift envelope.

Your financial capabilities

An important point to consider when calculating the amount of the gift is your own budget. Do not spend too much and then deny yourself everything. Decide on the amount of money that you can give as a gift and not cause serious damage to your financial condition.

It will be rational to calculate the family's annual budget and add gifts to it in a separate line. But you need to think carefully and remember all the upcoming celebrations and all the people to whom you will give money. Even if you calculate everything, it is highly likely that you will be invited to an unplanned celebration. Therefore, take into account unforeseen expenses in advance by increasing the planned amount or adding an additional item.

When calculating, you can use special budget planners or just take a piece of paper and a pen.

If there is no opportunity and time for long-term planning, proceed from the current financial situation. Spending more than a fifth of the monthly salary on a gift is not worth it, even if the celebration is planned to be magnificent, and the celebrated date is round.

Who is the gift for

The closer and dearer a person is to you, the more it is worth giving. Large sums of money as a gift to almost strangers look inappropriate. But parents, husband or wife, children, siblings should be given an envelope tightly filled with banknotes.

Family friends with whom you have many memories are worthy of a good, big gift. And colleagues, relations with whom are formal and limited to work, will not be offended by a few bills of not the highest dignity.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on a gift for children. The older the child is, the more you can give. But large sums, if given to the child himself, would be inappropriate. If the money is transferred to the parents, you can give more so that it will be enough for a good gift.

Don't worry if your gift is smaller than others or the one given to you. Gifts are a genuine expression of gratitude and love, not a competition. Do not look back at others and focus only on your own situation.
