How To Open An Interior Design Studio

How To Open An Interior Design Studio
How To Open An Interior Design Studio

Many new residential properties are built every year. The growth of the market has led to an increase in the demand for interior decoration. Now more and more people use the services of designers when decorating houses and apartments. You can start a business in this area by opening an interior design studio.


The success of any studio is based on quality workmanship and successful marketing. It is very important to make a lucrative offer to clients and correctly present the services of a designer. Develop a design studio concept. You can specialize exclusively in interior design. Another option is the design and approval of changes in the layout in different instances.

If you specialize exclusively in interior design, then the studio should employ specialists whose name is widely known in the market. These designers have an excellent portfolio and extensive work experience. The very name of these professionals will work for your company, attracting a stream of customers. But not all business owners can afford to hire specialists of this level.

Most of the studios offer not only design development, but also the approval of projects in the relevant authorities, architectural and planning design. Be sure to differentiate between the work of the designers and the administrative staff. Designers should concentrate on creativity. Specialists of a different profile will manage the company and sell services. It is best to hire a professional manager to lead the production process. If you do not have experience in this field, then it is better to first work as an employee in a design studio, and only then start your own business. This will give you the experience you need, build a customer base, and build useful connections.

At the initial stage, it is not worth hiring a large number of staff. Keep costs to a minimum. It is enough to hire several designers and an experienced sales manager. Outsource bookkeeping. Be sure to open the site on the Internet. Entrust its creation to professionals. Place a portfolio of works on the pages of the site. Pay attention to the decoration of the office. This is your business card. In the office of a design studio, everything should be tastefully decorated. Rent a room in the city center.

Buy a scanner, color laser printer, powerful designer computers, and multifunction copiers. Install licensed software. Get functional and stylish furniture. Order 3D models of completed projects. They always make a lasting impression on customers. Don't forget about advertising your business.
