How To Transport Money From Ukraine

How To Transport Money From Ukraine
How To Transport Money From Ukraine

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If you do not live in Ukraine, the option to use a Ukrainian bank card to export money is not for you. Up to 3 thousand dollars can be taken out without entering them into the declaration, the amount from 3 to 10 thousand will have to be declared. The same restrictions apply to travelers checks. If you have a larger amount on hand, it is optimal to use the services of various money transfer systems.

How to transport money from Ukraine
How to transport money from Ukraine

It is necessary

  • - customs declaration (not in all cases);
  • - traveler's checks (not in all cases);
  • - services of money transfer systems (when exporting an amount over 10 thousand dollars).


Step 1

If you have on hand less than three thousand dollars in any equivalent, you can safely go with her across the border. According to the law, it is enough for you to declare it orally, in other words, to inform the customs officer if he asks: "I am taking so many rubles, dollars, euros or hryvnias." It is better to calculate the exact amount and tell the customs officers the truth. If you arouse their suspicion and are subjected to inspection, if an amount exceeds the named limit, problems cannot be avoided.

Step 2

Amounts from 3 to 10 thousand dollars are subject to mandatory declaration when exporting from Ukraine. Ask for a declaration from a carriage conductor, bus or taxi driver (taxi drivers plying between border Ukrainian and foreign cities usually have declarations and migration cards of both countries) or directly at the border crossing point. For money, it is desirable to have a document confirming the legality of their origin: a declaration of import of an equal or greater amount with a customs mark or a certificate from a bank.

Step 3

Amounts from 10 to 100 thousand dollars can be taken out of the country only with the permission of the National Bank of Ukraine. It takes three months to receive this document. So, if you have such a large amount in your hands, it is better to transfer it in parts to your own name to Russia or another country, depending on the route of your trip, through various money transfer systems.

Step 4

Ukraine has its own specificity, different from Russia, in relation to traveller's checks. If they can be exported from our country without restrictions, according to Ukrainian laws, the same restrictions apply to them as to cash. Moreover, the option of 3 thousand dollars in cash and the same amount in checks will not work. The upper limit applies to money taken out both in cash and in checks, however, the absolute plus of traveler's checks is that if they are stolen, the thief will have problems with cashing. After all, each has your signature. But part of the money when exchanged on a check and back for cash will have to be lost on commissions.
