How To Find Money

How To Find Money
How To Find Money

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There are only 2 ways to find money: do not spend more than 90% of your income, or learn how to manage your money wisely. If you think that the problem is only that you are getting little, then this is the wrong conclusion. According to statistics, out of a hundred people who inherited or won $ 1,000,000 in the lottery, after 1 year, 90 of them have none of this money left. There are several ways how to find money in your wallet today.

How to find money
How to find money


Step 1

Plan your expenses by making a spending plan for the month. Refrain from shopping if they are missing from your plan. Also, shop around a pre-made list. This will greatly reduce your spending and save you from rash purchases of unnecessary things. Also, keep track of all your expenses, because in order to save money, you need to see the whole picture of expenses.

Step 2

Buy groceries in bulk and for a long time (a week in advance). This way, you will avoid the small unnecessary purchases that you make if you go to the store every day. In addition, food prices in markets and small wholesalers are lower than in the grocery store or supermarket closest to your home. Try not to purchase products in pre-packaged packages, it is better to buy by weight. Instead of expensive convenience foods, buy natural foods that are healthier as well.

Step 3

You can also save on cosmetics and hygiene products. However, it should be remembered that "the miser pays twice." Cheap soap quickly "rinses off", and cheap shampoo is too runny and pours out like water. Therefore, in terms of economy, it is better to follow the "golden mean" principle. Although, for example, inexpensive cosmetics can be no worse than imported ones, which are several times more expensive, since often the high price depends more on beautiful packaging, brand and advertising. Also, many inexpensive drugs are no less effective than expensive ones created on their own basis, since medicine is also a business, and it is very profitable.

Step 4

For "bells and whistles" in household appliances, because of which the price of a product seems unrealistically high, you can also not overpay. Moreover, if you never use these functions. The simpler the technique, the cheaper and more reliable it is. Before buying a phone, think about why you are buying it - to talk or to take videos and photographs. As a rule, a microwave oven is used to warm up dishes, so 50 different programs on it will be superfluous. Also, washing machines usually use only 1-2 wash modes, so why pay for the other 10 programs?

Step 5

Don't tempt yourself if you can't resist the "trinket". If you go to the store for a walk and just shop around, don't take your money with you. If you still want to purchase this item, it is better to consider this purchase until the next day. If you know that once you get to a bookstore or a music store, you will spend all your money, then take money to buy one or three books or CDs.

Step 6

Plan some of the expenses as contingencies. It is not always possible to foresee everything, and the presence of this cost item will allow you to quickly respond to the situation. However, this item should not constitute a significant part of the budget. Buy what you need, not what is cheap. Inexpensive cost, sale, discount should not become a reason for you to buy unnecessary things.

Step 7

Pay in cash. Do not use a plastic card for payments, because it does not feel like money is leaving your wallet. Withdraw your salary from the card in installments, once a week.

Step 8

Except in some cases (trips on weekends to shops, to the dacha), on weekdays use public transport instead of a car. This way you will reduce your service and gasoline costs. At the same time, on public transport, you can often save time that could be spent waiting in a traffic jam (in a metropolis). And sometimes it is more convenient to use a taxi than your own car.

Step 9

Plan large expenses at least a year in advance. Otherwise, you will need loans for them, which in the end will cost much more. Do not buy anything on credit, it is unprofitable and risky. Who can 100% know how your financial and other affairs will turn out in a year?

Step 10

Do not forget that the main thing is not to know theoretically, but to be able to apply this knowledge in practice. To do this, you need to act, and it's worth starting today. Rich people differ from poor people in that they apply this knowledge in practice, and not just speak.
