Often, the solution to complex issues lies in a new look at familiar things. Material and financial issues are of concern to many. In fact, there is nothing surprising and impossible in the desire to earn a million in a year. The main thing is to set a goal.

Step 1
Since all people have different starting conditions, then you need to approach the issue of earnings from a neutral mathematical side. To earn a million in a year, you need to earn about 83,000 rubles a month. In general, the figure is not the smallest, but far from the largest. However, in large cities, such a salary will not surprise anyone. And many entrepreneurs of medium and even small hands in the regions earn no less. Therefore, looking around, you may well find such millionaires among your acquaintances or those of your friends. If you get the opportunity, try talking to them. Perhaps they will tell you how you got started and give you some useful tips that will bring you closer to your goal.
Step 2
Try to ground the resulting numbers. Divide them by days or weeks. Since each person has their own projects, make a personal financial plan for yourself. For example, to earn 83,000 a month, you need to receive about 3,800 rubles every day (if you work 22 days a month). A similar plan can be drawn up on a weekly basis, if your work schedule allows it. Having such a plan in front of your eyes, it is much easier to believe in yourself and the ability to earn a million in a year. In this case, you should definitely outline certain activities that you must implement.
Step 3
When choosing what to pay attention to and what not, evaluate which of your projects, deeds, earnings can bring you the necessary sums to end up earning a million in a year. On courses on personal time management, they assure that the well-known Pareto principle also works in finance. Recall, translated into the language of economic efficiency, it sounds like this: 80% of income comes from 20% of your business. Try to determine which lines of business are more profitable in terms of income. The next steps are obvious: Reduce ineffective work as much as possible and find opportunities for high-performing activities. And then your goal will be achieved.