What To Do If Expenses Exceed Income

What To Do If Expenses Exceed Income
What To Do If Expenses Exceed Income

Counting pennies a week before paycheck, clutching at your head, making a list of things you need to buy, and not having such an opportunity, forced "fasts" and "diets", caused not so much by concern for your health as by the lack of food in the refrigerator, a stack of unpaid accounts on the shelf … Unfortunately, this situation is familiar to some. This means you get less money than you spend.

What to do if expenses exceed income
What to do if expenses exceed income

A problem of this kind can lead a person to a dead end if it is not addressed as quickly as possible. In order not to end up in a "debt hole", you need to find a suitable strategy for yourself out of this unpleasant situation.

Take control of your costs

Make it a rule to write down all the expenses that you make at least for a month. The more detailed your notes are, the easier you will be able to track where your money is "flowing".

Analyze whether all your purchases are really necessary and justified. You may be able to find items of expenditure that can be reduced without harming your own health and peace of mind.

Head to the store, making a clear list of what you intend to purchase and taking with you the amount you need to do so. If you have extra money in your wallet, it will be tempting to make an unplanned purchase. Do not go to the mall on an empty stomach or in a bad mood - this way you can avoid shopping on a whim.

Make a list of major purchases required. Set aside small sums to save enough money to complete them. Resist the temptation to "borrow" money from your savings: there is a high probability that you will not be able to repay the "debt".

Even with the most modest income, try to save at least small amounts "for a rainy day." Life is an unpredictable thing, and no one is insured against unforeseen forced spending.

Increase income

Analyze in what way you could increase your income. Perhaps it will be some kind of overtime work, perhaps fulfilling one-off orders, or maybe part-time work in your free time.

Of course, you want to work in order to live, and not vice versa, but after analyzing how you spend your free time, you may see that some of your activities may well bring additional income. For example, a hobby can be turned into a source of income.

After running the timing for several days, you will see how much time you spend on classes that do not bring any benefit or pleasure (watching TV, “surfing” the Internet, empty communication on social networks, computer games). Perhaps by cutting your time on these things, you will find a few hours in order to make some money.

Worst ways to solve a problem

Sometimes it seems to a person that financial difficulties can be solved easily and quickly, without much effort. As a rule, these methods are fraught with more dangers than real benefits, and it will take a long time to deal with their consequences.

Refrain from taking out a loan. Remember that the money you borrowed from the bank will have to be given back at high interest rates. Not knowing how to properly distribute the funds that you currently have, are you sure that you will be able to allocate more and the amount to repay the loan?

Don't borrow from friends. Of course, in this case, as a rule, you will not have to pay interest, and the terms of debt repayment can be "postponed" if necessary. But, promising over and over again to return the borrowed amount to a friend and not fulfilling your promise, won't you ruin your relationship with your good friend?

Do not deny yourself the satisfaction of basic needs. Reducing food costs to a minimum, saving on treatment, on necessary household amenities, you create health problems for yourself, and the emotional background of a person who constantly restricts himself in everything can hardly be called stable and favorable. Even if you have a modest income, plan for yourself the amount that you can afford to spend on small pleasures - this will help you more easily endure financial adversity.
