When we sell small things, we don’t think about how correct or legal it is - the government is not interested in that either. When it comes to selling expensive functional items, you need to coordinate your actions with the law and some organizations. Often an additional amount is required to be deposited or deducted from income received. Paying tax on the sale of a car is one such case.

Step 1
Be aware that tax is not paid if by the time you sell the car, it has been in your ownership for more than three years; the car is sold at a price lower than that for which it was purchased or the selling price of the car is less than 125 thousand rubles. In all other cases, the tax will have to be paid.
Step 2
Submit your tax return in any case - even if the conditions above are met and you do not need to pay tax, because the document will indicate why the tax base is canceled. Failure to submit a declaration is subject to sanctions (in particular, a fine of 100 rubles).
Step 3
Remember how the income deduction is calculated. For example: a certain citizen sold a car for 300,000 rubles. The car was owned for two and a half years, and the cost of buying it amounted to 260,000 rubles. The taxable base in this case will be 175,000 rubles (300,000 - 125,000, the second figure is the amount set by the local tax office for deduction from the sales value), and the tax amount will be 22,750 rubles (175,000 x 13%).
Step 4
Be sure to include documents confirming the age of the car and its purchase value with your tax return (or one of these - it all depends on which type of deduction you use). The declaration itself is submitted to the local tax office (i.e. at the place of residence) and no later than April 30 of the following year.
Step 5
Be sure to pay tax (you will not be able to evade payment). Its size for citizens of the Russian Federation will be 13% of the income from the sale of a car and for the rest it will be equal to 30%. In this case, the amount of the taxable amount can be reduced either by the entire amount of the property tax deduction (the amount is not more than 125 thousand rubles), or by a certain amount of expenses that will be directly related to the receipt of income (the purchase price of a car in a car dealership is just such an expense).