In the life of any person, regardless of his income, a situation may arise when cash is urgently needed for certain needs. In this case, the bank can issue the required amount, and in order to save the time of its potential customers, most banks practice the service of issuing a decision on the application online.

Online application for a loan in all banks is free. Your risk in this case is minimal, since the bank will not issue a loan to you only on the basis of an online application, and the bank also has no right to use your personal data for commercial purposes. The only thing that awaits you in the future is a possible mailing of bank offers or SMS messages with favorable bank rates in the future.
If you are determined to fill out such an application, you should refer to the website of any bank, and it is better if there are several banks. In this case, you can compare credit conditions, interest rates, maximum loan amount, loan processing procedure, the presence or absence of a down payment, as well as other factors that are important to you.
On the bank's website, you should find the online application service and follow the link. Usually a template loan application form is offered. Many banks ask you to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of registration and actual residence, indicate contacts, place of work, position held, length of service, monthly income, e-mail, whether you have other loans, whether you have been overdue on a loan, and etc.
The application should indicate which form of loan you prefer, and a list of possible loans is given to choose from. Also, in the application you need to indicate the amount that you want to receive. After that, enter the code, submit an online application and wait for the time specified in the application rules. Typically, such applications are processed fairly quickly, and in a couple of hours you will be notified of the banking decision by mail or phone.
If you have any questions, you can ask online, and the bank employees will fully answer them. An online application for a loan does not oblige you to anything, you only find out how much the bank can give you and on what conditions. If these conditions do not suit you, you simply do not keep in touch with this bank anymore. But if in some bank you found the conditions that are optimal for obtaining a loan, then you can ask additional questions online about the documents required by the bank and appear with all the necessary papers to sign the contract directly to the office.