Currently, online advertising is replete with offers to profitably invest money. Various sites offer very attractive interest rates on deposits, which are an order of magnitude higher than bank ones. The methods of investing and withdrawing money are also extremely simple and do not require visits to financial institutions and paperwork. However, not everything is as rosy as it might seem.

One of the most popular, in terms of the amount of advertising offers, deposits is investments in Forex. There are many ways: PAMM accounts, trust management, independent trading. Trust management and PAMM accounts are essentially the same thing. The difference is that a professional takes in management large sums of the order of 10 thousand dollars. PAMM accounts accumulate funds of many small depositors to transfer them into trust. The essence of trust management is that the depositor transfers funds for management to one person or group of persons. The received profit is divided between the investor and the manager. The loss is entirely on the conscience of the depositor. Therefore, when planning to invest in PAMM accounts or trust management, assess your risks ten times.
Independent Forex trading assumes the trader's personal responsibility for the results of his activities. In other words, everything that you win is yours, and if you lose, there will be no one to blame but yourself. Speculation in the foreign exchange market is not easy. First, you need to thoroughly learn the rules of trading on the market, the mechanisms of fundamental and technical analysis of the market situation, and acquire solid experience in trading on virtual accounts. The path of becoming a professional trader takes more than one year.
Investments in your own business. There are many business options on the Internet: an online store, a thematic site, a blog, groups on social networks, online e-money exchangers and much more. Setting up and running your own business is also hard work that requires a lot of knowledge, skills, time and effort. But if there is a large enough capital for investment, the creation and promotion of the site can be entrusted to professionals. And then hire a professional internet business executive.
Investment companies
Investment companies offering to invest money to get high returns. The proposals of such firms are indeed tempting, but the risk of running out of money is also considerable. It is advisable to check the selected company: on the website, find the addresses and phone numbers of the organization. Using search engines, check if such a company is registered at the specified address. It does not interfere with calling the indicated numbers, looking at reviews on various sites. Find out through the website of the Central Bank whether this company has a license for financial activities.
Investments in HYIP projects are the most high-risk, albeit the most profitable. In terms of the degree of risk, most HYIP projects can be compared with investments in MMM: theoretically there is a chance to get high profits, but for some reason most part with their money forever. For example, the WebMoney system has recently refused to cooperate with all HYIP projects, a priori considering them fraudulent.