The modern system of values is formed in such a way that people, in fact, want to live in abundance. There is nothing reprehensible in this, but it is important to understand that finances will not fall on their heads by themselves. Even a dozen years of honest working days, most likely, will not be enough to accumulate at least some capital. Almost no one succeeds in truly becoming richer without looking for additional opportunities.

Step 1
Look for room to grow. Never be satisfied with your position. As soon as you find yourself a "decent" job and consider that this is enough for you - the growth of welfare will immediately stop. Always apply for a higher position, go to interviews in other companies, send your resume abroad using the Internet.
Step 2
Live up to your ambition. Obviously, just like that - without education, additional skills, and the like - you will not be able to complete the previous point. Therefore, in parallel with your job search, always improve your qualifications. Look for ways to optimize the production process, master related areas of activity and constantly, without stopping, learn. Become a valuable person and always keep your finger on the pulse.
Step 3
Master rhetoric. It is impossible to be a presentable person if you do not know how to present yourself correctly and establish connections with people. There are cases when employees are interviewed without understanding anything in their future work - simply because they make a favorable impression on the employer. There are tons of books that will help you work out the principles of building a dialogue, body language and other nuances in your head.
Step 4
Look for a source of income in unrelated areas of activity. You cannot know for sure which area you will be more successful in until you try. Even if you successfully work in an engineering position of a large mobile operator, why not try yourself in developing Internet sites in your free time? Why not try your hand at writing or video editing? It is quite possible that your talent will allow you to completely change your occupation for a much more suitable one for you personally.