It is impossible to learn how to trade in the foreign exchange or stock market in a few days and become a professional trader. Like any profession, trading requires knowledge and experience. It is not so easy to learn the profession of a trader, this is due to the presence on the Internet of a huge amount of unnecessary, and sometimes frankly false information. To become a professional trader, you need to stick to a certain plan.

The first thing a novice trader should learn is the basics of financial markets. You cannot start a trade without knowing how to do it. Find out what stocks and currency pairs are, opening and closing positions, bullish and bearish trends, lots and ticks, etc. Only having received a general understanding of the financial markets can one proceed to a deeper study of it. All this information can be obtained from various sources, it can be books (both electronic and printed) or special courses (seminars, video courses, etc.). Along with learning the basics, you can start trading on demo trading accounts. Many novice traders make one big mistake. Having received basic knowledge in trading, they try to learn as many types of markets as possible, for example, they study in depth trading in stocks, futures and options. Such a range of interests will not lead to anything good, in order to become a good trader, you need to specialize in specific areas. Having received a basic understanding of the markets, and having studied the specific direction of trading, you need to decide exactly how you will trade, what trading technique or trading system you will use. To solve this problem, you can use the services of professional teachers who conduct paid seminars and teach their trading strategies or study specific trading systems on your own. The first way of teaching, with the right selection of teachers, is more correct, because makes it possible to obtain information about finished products. Self-study is a long and not always effective process; with this approach, the effectiveness of a particular trading system will always be tested on our own experience.