Unit Investment Fund (Mutual Investment Fund) - investment of investors' funds by transferring them to a management company. There are 3 types of mutual funds: closed, interval and open. The activity of mutual funds in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law No. 156 "On mutual investment funds". The investments of all investors are managed by the company as a single portfolio. The share of investment is proportional to the investment. Since the mutual fund is not a legal entity, the shareholders do not pay property tax, income tax, etc.

It is necessary
If you decide to invest your money in a Mutual Investment Fund, you need to be well versed in the investment and securities market. Not knowing the intricacies and possible risks in the mutual fund market, you can incur a loss
Step 1
To begin with, you must understand that when investing in a mutual fund, your funds are transferred to the management company, which has the right to fully dispose of them, concluding various kinds of financial transactions. Therefore, carefully study on the websites or according to the recommendations of acquaintances the management companies that you can entrust your investments. Having decided on the management company (management company), choose the most profitable type of mutual fund for yourself.
Step 2
Now, to become a member of a mutual fund, you need to exchange your money for shares. You can apply for and purchase shares at the office of the management company, from a fund agent or at a bank. When buying, take with you an identity document (passport) and money. If the payment for the shares will be made non-cash, by transferring funds from your bank account, then you do not need to take money.
Step 3
At the office, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire, an application for opening an account and an application for the purchase of shares. In order not to read all the proposed documents and study them on the spot, you can read them in advance on the website of the selected management company.

Step 4
Then you deposit money and a week later you come to the office for an account statement. In addition, the members of the management company must indicate the number of purchased shares and their price in the statement.
Step 5
Over time, you can buy additional shares, depositing funds again into the account, or pay for them in cash. There is no need to re-apply for additional purchase of investments. In addition, the shareholder has the right to transfer his shares from one fund to another one management company.