Cash collection is one of the types of cash transactions between legal entities. It involves the collection and transportation of all types of valuables, previously documented.

Cash collection, as a type of service, originates not in 1939, as is commonly believed, but in the 9th century. Merchants and boyars acted as carriers of values, but even then their activities were controlled by treasurers, and strong, specially trained people acted as escorts. In Russia, the first collection service appeared in 1918, as one of the divisions of the OGPU. And only in 1939, the service was withdrawn into a separate organization, its responsibilities were clearly outlined, instructions for hiring into it, the procedure for assembling and transporting valuables were spelled out.
The main tasks of cash collection
The term "cash collection" is literally translated from Italian as "put in a box". The specialists of this service are engaged in the collection and transportation of valuables, and it does not have to be cash. Cash collectors can transport precious metals, jewelry, bank documents and cards, and much more. Such a service can be a subdivision of a banking organization, a security company, or an independent firm specializing in cash collection.
The main tasks of such a company or division are:
- delivery of proceeds or collected funds by organizations of any type to the bank,
- transfer of proceeds between branches of commercial structures and their main offices,
- transportation of money from the bank to the office of the company,
- support of commercial transactions paid for in cash,
- collection and delivery of cash at the branches of the bank or from its terminals, ATMs,
- escort and protection of employees carrying valuables.
Representatives of any organization or enterprise can order a collection escort in the case when it is necessary to transport valuable or secret documents. Moreover, the customer has the right not to inform the collectors what exactly he will transport. The exception is explosive and flammable substances, weapons, which such a service is not entitled to accompany.
Cash collection services
Cash collection services can be provided by organizations that have employees with the necessary experience and skills, special vehicles and access to operations with the transfer of values. Collectors serve
- trading companies,
- postal services,
- banking organizations,
- state institutions,
- industrial and food enterprises,
- companies working in the service sector.
That is, all institutions and organizations, one way or another, faced with the movement of cash, documents or jewelry, can use the services of a collection service.
It is important to understand that cash collection employees are not required to deal with packing, counting or enumerating valuables. Representatives of the contracting organization are obliged to prepare items or cash, pack them in special bags, accompanied by an attached inventory. The procedure can be carried out in the presence of collectors or without them. Collectors receive packed, numbered and sealed bags, accompanying documents.
Upon arrival at the destination, the container with valuables is handed over according to the inventory, without opening the seals, unless other conditions are specified in the contract. The procedure for the provision of services is negotiated in detail when concluding an agreement and is confirmed by an agreement in two copies. The service is provided in accordance with the generally accepted job description for such units.
Requirements for employees of the collection service
The safety of transportation of material assets is impossible without observing three basic rules - the reliability of a motor vehicle or other means of transportation, a well-thought-out route, accompanied by qualified employees who are familiar with job descriptions. Persons can be accepted for collection service
- no criminal record, dubious biography and bad habits,
- former military personnel or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, security companies,
- with good physical fitness, without chronic diseases,
- attentive, with excellent reactions,
- having permission to drive vehicles of category B,
- with Russian citizenship,
- balanced, cold-blooded, stress-resistant,
- possessing a weapon, having permission to carry and use it.
Some organizations that provide cash collection services put forward non-standard requirements for employees - work experience in accounting or banking, the absence of close relatives serving a prison sentence or sick with alcoholism, drug addiction, the applicant for the vacancy has his own weapon. All requirements are legal and justified, and their specificity depends on which organizations and on what terms of the contract are served by the collection service.
Before being hired, all applicants undergo a personal interview with a representative of the unit, psychological testing, pass standards for shooting, and sometimes for hand-to-hand combat. If a non-compliance with the requirements for at least one of the parameters is revealed, the hiring will be refused.
Preparation for transportation of valuables
The procedure for preparing for the transportation of valuables is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal instructions of the collection organization or unit. From the legislative framework, annexes are used on the rules for the use of weapons, the conduct of cash transactions and the law on the procedure for the provision of services by such private and state security organizations.
The work of the collection brigades is organized by the head of the service (unit). Third parties who are not directly involved in the process should not know about the time of departure of the vehicle, its arrival at the client's facility and the final facility. The task is communicated to the members of the brigade before it is completed. After that, preparatory procedures are performed:
- employees undergo a medical examination,
- the technical condition of the vehicle is checked,
- the state of navigation equipment and communication facilities is monitored,
- the presence or absence of weapons of employees is recorded,
- accompanying documentation is issued.
The crew must be in touch throughout the route. The frequency of communication sessions or certain fixation rules can be set - upon arrival at the facility, reception of valuables, departure and arrival at the final point of the route.
How is the transportation of valuables
Before starting work as a collector, new employees must undergo training. It can be free, on the basis of a division, an organization. But sometimes job seekers are required to provide a certificate of completion of the course and successful passing of tests in their specialty. Allowed to work are employees who have successfully passed internal exams in a specific collector organization, and already know how the transportation or escort of the transportation of valuables takes place.
Before leaving on the route, the brigade employees receive service certificates, a power of attorney and attendance cards (issued to the senior employee), empty bags, communication equipment, a travel plan (received by the collector-collector and the driver). When the car arrives at the place of receiving valuables, the head of the brigade and the collector-collector go to the office or cashier to receive the goods. Taking bags they are obliged
- check the integrity of the container, sealing twine,
- determine the clarity of the impression on the seal and its compliance with the presented sample,
- make sure the signatures of the officials of the sending party on the accompanying documents,
- check the consistency of the amount or inventory in the attendance card and invoices,
- record the numbers and weight of the bags in the acceptance documents,
- sign the cover sheet.
Before proceeding to the vehicle, the chief of the brigade must make sure that the route to it is safe, if necessary, clear the way for the collector-collector. If there is a suspicion that the path is not safe, employees have the right to warn that they have and can use weapons. Upon arrival at the final destination, the collectors hand over the values and accompanying documents, contact the head of the unit, having received the command of which they can return to the base of the organization.
Working in a cash collection service is not only very responsible, but also dangerous. Applicants for such vacancies should be aware of this.