It is never too early to learn and never too late. More and more people think so, and therefore courses in management, design, English, choreography, etc. are becoming popular. If you know how and want to teach people new things, then opening your own courses can be a profitable and satisfying business for you.

It is necessary
- - registration as an individual entrepreneur;
- - educational license;
- - premises;
- - equipment;
- - teachers;
- - advertising.
Step 1
First of all, think about which courses you want to open. It is worth considering not only the subject matter (for example, computer courses or floristry courses), but also the audience. After all, there are courses for children and adults, for entrepreneurs, housewives, etc. Do a little marketing research and find out online if there are already such courses in your city. If they already exist, try to learn as much as possible about them and analyze the information.
Step 2
Rent a room in which the classes will take place. It should be located not too far from the city center for easy access for people. It is important that the room is large enough and pleasantly decorated, as cramped, unrepaired rooms can make a bad impression on clients.
Step 3
The longer the courses run, the more profitable they are. It is advisable that the first lesson begins no later than 9 am (or better at 8), and the last one does not take place earlier than 21. Some of the clients will find it more convenient to study in the afternoon, and for some in the evening. Hire teachers (it’s best to start with someone you know you’re familiar with) and schedule your classes to run in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Step 4
The equipment for the courses is best purchased and the furniture rented. Used furniture, which needs a lot, will cost several times cheaper than new furniture.
Step 5
In order to conduct courses legally, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur and obtain an educational license. This is done in the territorial education authorities. The procedure for obtaining such a license is very lengthy, since the aforementioned authorities will need to submit a package of documents about you (as an entrepreneur), about the premises (permission from the SES, fire inspection) and about future activities and hired teachers. Details can be found here
Step 6
In order for more and more new clients to come to your courses, you will need to advertise. All means are good here: distribution of leaflets near the metro, schools, universities, companies, advertisements in the press, banners and contextual advertising on the Internet.