How To Budget Your Sales

How To Budget Your Sales
How To Budget Your Sales

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The sales budget for today is the defining document of the financial planning of any trade or manufacturing enterprise. The difficulty in defining it lies in the fact that it is necessary to take into account both the requirements of the market and the interests of the manufacturer (seller). At the same time, it is often necessary to plan in the absence of sufficient data.

How to budget your sales
How to budget your sales


Step 1

Choose your line of business. To do this, draw up a sales budget either by products (services) or by customers (in the context of contracts). This is how you define the items of income. It is better to budget in two directions at the same time, if the staff of your planning and analytical service allows it.

Step 2

Plan annual sales (by month). Make such a plan either "from what has been achieved" - according to the results of previous years, adjusted for the future, or according to the results of marketing research and forecasts.

Step 3

Determine the volume of sales in value terms. Compare the level of capital inflows with the planned costs and profits.

Step 4

Determine the type and level of discounts. Enter this information into your plan. Adjust sales levels and expected profits. When applying the system of discounts, the profit should not greatly decrease, since the planned cost reduction should give an increase in sales. Analyze the impact of discounts on sales in prior periods. Consider this information when you budget.

Step 5

Build the balance of products by month in production, in stock and in sales. For this, use the formula: total sales = the remainder of products in stock at the beginning of the period + production of products for the period - the remainder of products at the end of the period. In the same way, you can calculate the volume of production: volume of production = volume of sales - the balance of products in stock at the beginning of the period + the balance of products in stock at the end of the period. When planning the balance of products in the warehouse, take into account the average time of delivery of goods to the consumer and the safety stock (it is calculated based on the average time of delivery to the consumer, production and receipt of the necessary raw materials).
